Credits Page
I would like to thank myself, the one on the left, for all the hard work I put in to this site at the expense of my Degree.  Yes, I am a student, studying Law at a British Uni, and this really is all we do - only joking.  As Jarrod Fishcakefabrekkie moans; Law is hard yakka!!

I must also mention Ashley E., the one on the right, looking rather sheepish, who did none of the legwork but had a few bonza ideas.  And my brother Patrick, better known as Padman, who came up with some rip snorters.

For those of you who think they can make any suggestions to improve the site, please leave a message in the guestbook, or if the idea is big please email me at:

[email protected]

Your suggestions are very much appreciated, and if I like them they will go in the site!!

See y'all later Cobbers,

Paul (Milbunanaramma) Milburn.

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