Wheeler has the power of fire, and through his ring, he can call up tiny bolts of lightning or create and direct small fires. He grew up on the tough streets of Brooklyn, New York, and it is this background that has made him the true survivor he is today. At 17, he is the oldest Planeteer, but he is probably the least knowedgeable in environmental issues, and he often makes mistakes. However, despite his flip comments and endless flirting, his heart is in the right place, and he takes his role as a Planeteer very seriously indeed! In many ways, Wheeler still has a lot to learn. He is the most likely of the group to be scared by the responsibility Gaia has given him and he often fails to understand the importance of the issues he faces. However, he is quick to learn, and has sense of humor enough to carry both him and his fellow Planeteers through the most perilous situations. His biggest challenge is to become more sensitive and to develop a more caring attitude towards the planet.
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When Wheeler was young, he and his dad were not on the best of terms with one another. One night, Wheeler ran off and was about to get beat up by a trio of punks when two kids jumped down from a tree and scared them away. These quite possibly could have been Trish and Frankie. They then invited him to stay in the trees with them. Later on, Trish became Wheeler's girlfriend. When Wheeler received his ring, he was stopping a thug from beating up a man in an alley. A nearby lit trashcan suddenly burst into higher flames and sent the ring flying into the air, where it fell neatly into his hand. He was wearing ripped jeans, a green and yellow shirt (with the typical untucked look, of course) and a jacket. As mentioned above, he loves to flirt with the ladies but seems to focus mainly on Linka, whom he also seems to be more serious about, which is evident ("Beast Of the Temple," "Missing Linka," etc.) throughout the series. Once or twice, Wheeler has second thoughts about being a Planeteer. For example, one time while fighting Blight and Greedly with the Planeteers, Wheeler became trapped with Blight and they were running out of oxygen, so when Wheeler started saying how he wished he had never gotten his ring, Blight tricked him into time traveling and changing history. He never once stopped to consider that his teammates might have been trying to dig through the ice and save him. But after seeing the dire consequences of not having been there with the Planeteers, Wheeler changed history back to the way it was and stuck with them. Wheeler did eventually patch things up with his dad when he went to visit him because his father was sick. During this visit, one of Wheeler's best friends, Frankie, died trying to jump a train. Wheeler was also able to turn "Trash" around from a vandalizing punk who was wasting her life back to the old Trish. Sometimes Wheeler comes up with ideas that may sound ridiculous, especially to Linka, but they often turn out to work. However, his "Yankee ingenuity" can as often as not lead to trouble as he really has no idea of what he's doing at these points. For more info on Wheeler and the Planeteers (both from the show and made up) check out Heidi's site.
RIng Powers Demonstrated:
-Fire breaks
-Small flames (like a match)
-Lightning-like rays
-Heat rays
-Combining with Wind for much larger  blazes with more power
-Calling Captain Planet
Environmental Issues Wheeler had no clue about:
-Trash disposal
-How to correctly pronounce "Bozhe moy" (okay, so that's not an environmental issue, but it bugs me how he says it in "Numbers Game")
-Population growth
-Introduction of new species to new   places
Wheeler's B-day seems to be in the summer, `cause they were going to Coney Island to celebrate.

He seems to get a bit of motion sickness, like on roller coasters and stuff, as well as rough seas.

In the ongoing NYC battle between the Mets and the Yankees, Wheeler is a Yankee fan.

He appears to be afraid of commitment, as most men seem to be ;) based on the dream from "Numbers Game."

He doesn't like strangers touching him. "Okay, just let go of my arm!"
More Miscellaneous:
He's (to quote TIAS) a "bottomless pit" when it comes to food. He can eat any time, anywhere, though it sometimes isn't quite such a good idea
Check out the Wheeler/Linka gallery!
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