Linka has the power of wind, and through her ring, she has the ability to create anything from a gentle breeze to a small tornado! She comes from the Soviet Union, where she was involved with music, computers, and nature before she was called by Gaia to join the Planeteers. She is hard-working, and is really far too serious for the average 16 year old.  Yet it is her highly analytical mind and problem-solving abilities that make her such an asset to the group. When a problem arises, her sharp mind goes straight to work on finding a logical solution, and in this way, she is the ideal buffer for Wheeler's emotional impulsiveness. Linka is drawn to her American ally, but in personality, they are like oil and water. Sparks fly when they are together. However, in times of trouble, their true fondness for each other cannot help but surface. In some ways, Linka is the most conservative of the Planeteers, but her cool mind is accompanied by a hot temper, and it is this combination that gives her the determination to tackle the world's ecological problems and help save the planet!
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What she's really saying: Ya ever notice how sometimes Linka talks in Russian? Course ya did, if you watch the series anyway. Anywho, here's some of the stuff she says and the translations. I don't know all of what she says cause I can't find it in the Russian-English dictionary, but what I know, I'll tell ya. Just a note, some cursing involved. If you know anymore of what she says, contact me!
Do svidaniya=Good bye (literally "until meeting")
Bozhe moy=My God
Chyort Voz'mi=God damn it
Kanyechna=Of course
When Linka was little, she helped her grandmother out by helping to raise canaries for her father (the foreman) to use while in the iron mines, which developed her love for birds and respect for animals, as many are forced to give their lives in order to save human ones. She also has a big brother named Mishka as well as a cousin, Boris, and an uncle, Dimitri. When Linka got her ring she was standing at the top of a high peak playing her keyboard. A bird landed on the keyboard and sang along, followed by another with the ring in its mouth. She was wearing a navy blue uniform sort of outfit. Her first words to Wheeler were: "Soviet. Please, go away!" As mentioned in the official description, she sometimes let her feelings for Wheeler show, though it's not always when they're in danger (Beast Of the Temple,You Bet Your Planet). She is very involved with computers and in fact is a hacker, an ability she uses a few times in the series. When she visited her cousin and uncle at the Soviet embassy in Washington, D.C., Verminous Skumm got her cousin hooked on a designer drug called Bliss (perhaps similar to ecstasy?) who in turn slipped some into Linka's food. Boris eventually OD'd and died, but Linka was able (with help from her friends) to kick the habit. Family is very important to her, a fact evident when she almost leaves the Planeteers to take care of her grandmother when her town's water supply is tainted with waste from the old iron mine. However, her grandmother convinces her to remain with the team and "help towns all over the world." Linka tends to say cliches wrong, such as "Let's airplane!" in lieu of "Let's jet!" You can find more stuff, both inferred and made up, about Linka and the other Planeteers at Heidi's site.
Ring powers demonstrated:
Lifting stuff
Lifting people
Holding back stuff
Manipulating stuff (like paper to wrap up a guard)
Mini tornadoes
Combining with fire to help create large blazes
Gusts of wind
Calling Captain Planet
Random Fact: Was the broad jump champion of her district
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