Bits about my Fics
This is the section where I tell you a bit about the fics I'm working on, like you guys are interested anway. Hey, I can pretend. So, I've got at least four going, possibly five. But I can't remember the fifth one, if it even exists, so you get the four.

CP Fanfic, Unknown Title
Um, this is currently the title of the fic. I actually have no titles for any of them, and I'm waiting till the end to figure that out. This one occurs a bit after season 6, and also five years into the future. Sort of. You'll see what I mean. It's a Linka/Wheeler fic, semi-serious, maybe a bit of comedy in there as well. This one has been put off for now because of the next fic. However, here's a sample clip:

        �Now all we can do is wait. Wheeler! Look out!� Linka�s warning came too late, though, and Wheeler was grabbed from behind by two rat-men, as was Linka shortly thereafter. They were brought out in front of Skumm, who took a bite of cheese before laughing and speaking to them.
        �Well, well, well. Look what the rat dragged in.� Verminous grinned at them and then continued. �Did you really think you could come in here uninvited?� He called to two guards and then told all the rats, �Tie them up and lock them up somewhere for now. We can use  them as bait for the rest of those pesky Planeteers. They�ll come looking for these two soon enough.�
        With that command, the rats took their prisoners to a nearby storage room. After being tossed inside, Wheeler and Linka noticed barrels upon barrels of some sort of chemical. Outside, the two guards took up their posts beside the door.
        �We need to get out of here,� said Linka.
        �No problem, Russky-Tootsky. When they tied us up, I took a deep breath so the ropes would be looser. I think it should be enough to get my ring hand free. It worked before, anyway.� Wheeler struggled and was able to pull his hand out. �All right! Hold still now�Fire!� The ropes fell away as Wheeler burned through them.
        �Way to go, Wheeler! But how will we get out of here?� asked Linka.
        �I can burn our way through this door! Fi�� started Wheeler.
        Linka quickly reached out and stopped Wheeler before he could do so. �Nyet! They will surely have guards outside. If you do that, we will be heard. We have to wait for our friends    to arrive because we can�t handle all the rats on our own. Until then, we may as well look to see if there is another way out.�
        �Oh, all right. You take all the fun out of everything,� he grinned. �Let�s check out these chemicals and take some samples while we wait. They may be what Skumm and his pals are dumping in the water.�
        �Da. Good idea,� she replied, and the two began to fill test tubes with the liquid. �We can analyze these once we get out of here. Let us try to reach Ma-Ti again and warn the others.�
        The two concentrated but were unable to contact him. �It�s no good, must be all these chemicals,� stated Wheeler as he looked at his watch. �At this rate, we�ll never get back  before your birthday�s over.�
        Linka laughed and said, �Wheeler, do not worry about that now; we need to escape.�
        �But there�s nothing we can do,� he replied, �no other exits but that door.�
        �Well, let us hope the others can find us.�

So, what do you think? Bad? Good? Bleh? Whatever, I don't care if you hate it, I like it, so nyeh!

The Test
Yay! A title! This spawned out of creating random beginnings to fics I'll probably never write. That'll go up somewhere too. Basically, the idea is that Gaia starts going through menopause one day and decides to give the Planeteers an ecology-based SAT. They have to pass to stay on the team. It's a bit weird, but nothing too strange. Gaia is a bit high though, and you'll see with what. There's again, some W/L stuff after one particular question is mentioned aloud. That was due to watching Moulin Rouge when writing the fic from my notes to my computer. The whole movie involves the Bohemian ideals of Freedom, Truth, Beauty, and Love. Here's a sample!:

        It was a beautiful day on Hope Island. Unfortunately for the Planeteers, Gaia had decided to give them all a practice SAT exam for no reason whatsoever. Speculative rumors of menopause floated around the island.
        At precisely 8:00 AM, Gaia had abruptly appeared in each of their rooms and screamed until they were all clumsily stumbling outside in their pajamas. They stood rigidly in line, wondering what was going on as Gaia marched in front of them like a drill sergeant.
        Suddenly she wheeled to face them and said, �I�m sure you are wondering what I have brought you all here like this for on such short notice. Well, it has come to my attention that I haven�t caused you quite enough pain this month, and I�ve thought of the perfect method to weed out those of you who aren�t smart enough ecologically to handle the job. This is a test quite similar to the American SATs. However, it is different in that it deals primarily with environmental problems. You will be taking this test at exactly noon today. You will have two and a half hours with a thirty-minute break in the middle to complete this. There is no way to copy answers, because you�ll all have a different test. I suggest you prepare.�
        She had just turned and began to walk back to the Crystal Chamber when Wheeler, who wasn�t quite awake yet asked, �Um, Gaia, what? What are you talking about? Have you gone nuts or something?�
        There was silence for five seconds as the spirit of earth fumed. Turning back around she smacked Wheeler and yelled, �ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY AUTHORITY? YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE THIS TEST WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, PRIVATE, SO I SUGGEST YOU START CRAMMING NOW!!!�
        At that she vanished. The Planeteers cautiously looked around, Wheeler rubbing his sore cheek. �What was that all about?� wondered Linka.
        �I don�t know,� replied Gi, �but I guess we�d better do as she said.�
        The Planeteers quickly rushed back to their huts to get dressed and ready as Gaia�s voice called, �And don�t forget you need two #2 pencils.�

MWAHAHAHAHA!!! I particurally like this one, but, like the first one, it's been temporarily abandoned due to the following fic. If you don't like The Test, tough. ;)

The New Student
This is sort of an alternate universe thing. No one's a Planeteer, and guess what, more W/L. I needed some extra characters, cause I couldn't think of a good excuse to get all five Teers together, so I got weird and used the cast from Power Rangers What?! So I'm crazy. Whatever. The school and teachers are from Westfield down here in Virginia, though I won't actually say where they are in the fic. I figured it was easier than making up teachers, and I can introduce you to some of the more interesting teachers here, "Mr. Harding," "Mr. Weir," "Dr. Fisca," "Sra. Royalhous," etc. And, having had them all, I can write them well. It all starts one day as Wheeler is waiting for Pre-Calculus to begin...

Extra note, names have been changed to protect the innocent...and satisfy the parents:

        Wheeler Miller sighed as he once agin took his seat in Mr. Harding's Pre-Calculus class. He tossed his orange bookbag to the floor and simply sat there for a minute, idly picking a piece of lint off his grey sweatshirt. He glanced up at the black and while clock with its red second hand for the time, turning his eyes to the white-painted cinderblock that made up the entire school.
This place is like a prison, he thought, looking at this period's "jailor" sitting at the large desk in the corner of the room, already starting to check off the students who had arrived on the picture-using program of the networked Hewlett Packard in front of the tyrant. Probably so kids can't fake out substitutes. Looking through the window towards Old Lee Road, he mused, At least there aren't any bars. He barely noticed his best friend, Tommy Oliver shuffle into the chilly room (Mr. Harding's answer to girls wearing skimpy clothing) and sit down at the next desk with barely a minute to spare. Tommy tossed his own green and white bag down, pausing for a moment before searching through it.
        Upon finding his homework, Wheeler accidentally lost sight of it again in the mess of  loose papers that made up the bulk of the weight in the pack. Locating it once more and pulling it out (along with several other neighboring papers that he promply stuffed back in) he didn't even bother to turn his head as he asked, "So, ready for another day with the infamous Mr. Harding?"
        "No," grumbled Tommy, who blew his shoulder-length brown hair out of his face while taking out his book. "I hate this class. I don't know what the problem is. I understand it alright when he's explaining it, but on homework, tests, and quizzes, my mind just goes blank!"
        Wheeler patted the exasperated youth's shoulder in sympathy and said, "Hey, don't worry
too much. I'm sure you'll get it. Most of the class, including me, isn't doing too well, anyway. Just study more, and you'll-" He was cut off by the bell sounding its long, monotonous tone, signalling the start of another school day. All conversation was abruptly silenced in underlying fear as Mr. Harding got up from his adjustable, cushioned swivel-chair and walked around his desk.
        "All right, class," he started as he walked up to the whiteboard, his West Virginian accent barely perceptible. "Last time we began working on limits... Oh, before I forget, put your names on your homework and pass it up. And don't give me any excuses about forgetting it at home or some other similar crock. If you did, 'blanks' to be you." The students, particularly those who
had forgotten, groaned as they quickly scrawled their names on the sheets and handed them in. "Now," he continued, placing the papers on his desk to be graded after the lesson, "back to limits." He paused as he drew a quick funtion using a dying, black marker. In mock disgust he muttered to himself, throwing the marker back on his desk and picking up a newer black one. Testing this this and seeing a pure, thick line, he gave a satisfied grin and continued, "Let's-" He was forced to stop once more as there was a knock from the far side of the room. The old teacher looked through the thin window (which looked like those for archers from castles of old) to see a man standing there. Walking over to the door, he said, "Well, it looks like we have a visitor. Behave."
        He openned the door wide to see Mr. Hedson. As Wheeler and the rest of the class watched, thankful for a momentary break from math, the balding principal stepped in through the burgandy frame. But that wasn't what interested Wheeler.
        What interested him was the girl that followed.

As you can see, the style is quite different. See, I remembered that someone in the CPC had asked that Flight of the Kaw have way more descriptions, like the colors of the jerseys, etc., so I decided to try that out for myself. What I've typed here is like the sixth rewrite, and the originally first paragraph wasn't half that size. This is the one I'm currently writing, even though I've developed the plot of the fourth one and written it and some of the story done.

I can't tell you about this fic, nor can I give you a clip. I don't entirely know all the details myself. It really depends on another fic not yet written. I'm not allowed to tell anyone. I do hope you'll enjoy it though!

So those are my fics! And I've not finished a single one. :) But I'm getting there. I'll either finish
The Test or The New Student one first. The Test might be shorter, so I guess I'll switch my focus to that. Enjoy!
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