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That's right, children, it's time once again to go... Behind the Scenes with Mr. Squirrelly Squirrel!

Damn, was I in an exceptionally strange mood when I wrote this one. But regardless, behind the scenes tidbits galore this time, folks.

Number one, this line was supposed to read like this, but some glimmer of humanity and decency got the better of me and I removed the Audrey Seiler dig, though now I thoroughly regret it after seeing far worse directed at UW-Madison's very own Marsh Lady in the mainstream press:

"But before you give in to the futility of it all and decide to head for the nearest marsh, take a moment to search out some tidbits of positivity."

Next, if you ever see me in person, ask me to do the Katherine Hepburn "Why, hello, Mr. Squirrelly Squirrel!" thing–print does not begin to do justice to the intensity with which it rules. Assuming of course you're easily amused.

However, one semi-anonymous reader of the Daily Cardinal E-mail Edition was apparently quite upset by the lighthearted notion that I talk to squirrels, as they felt compelled to post this oh-so-witty morsel in response for all to enjoy:

"OK, I am sorry, but talking to squirrels and brightening your day by adorning different shoes after telling me that springitme makes you feel just as depressed as a long cold winter warrants a ticket straight to the looney bin. Do not stop. Do not pass "GO". Just head straight for the hospital bed with the restraints attached so you won't hurt yourself when the electroshock therapy is undertaken in an effort to help cure you of whatever the hell disease has taken up residence in you deranged head."

Pretty venomous, especially considering this poster is a humorless, malapropism-using, seemingly rather disgruntled zoology teaching assistant, as discovered thanks to a screen name as unimaginative as that "do not pass GO" line. But seriously, don't mess with the squirrels, man–I have a friend who's training an army to take over the world, and when they do, you, good sir, will not be spared unless you can talk them down. Just look at her first protégé, Mr. Peepers–he's so positively vicious, he draws blood from the elderly... 

Beware Mr. Peepers, Attack Squirrel Extraordinaire!

And as you'll see in the Italicized-End-Bit® of the next week's column, it's not wise to mess with columnists in quasi-anonymous public settings either, for we always get our revenge... 

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