Here is where you will find my Metallica slash. Please rememeber *none* of this is real.

Hope Series
Author: Rebecca
Pairing: ?/?, implied James/Jason and Kirk/Lars
Rating: R forimplied for m/mA little harsh but better safe than sorry)
Archiving permission: My site, anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: No disrespect to anyone mentioned. This only happened in my twisted mind. Also be gentle with comments, this is my first story (maybe the first in a series).
Summary: POV of one person�s love for another who doesn�t know. Or does he?
Thinking Back
Author: Rebecca
Pairing: Randy/Bob
Rating: NC-17 (yeah baby)
Archiving permission: here
Disclaimer: this only happened in my perverted dreams
Summary: Bob thinks back to that first night with Randy about six months later. All from Bob's POV.
Note: ~ start and of flash back. And thanks to Ella for beta reading this thing
Love in the Elevator
Author: Rebecca
Pairing: Kirk/Lars
Rating: NC-17 (come on if it is NC-17 you know what is going to be happening) and swearing
Archiving permission: My site, anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: Tis� a pity none of this really happened. By the way the title comes from the Aerosmith song of the same name.
Summary: The mentioned elevator scene from my first story �Hope�. You know some hotels have those really nice glass scenic elevators that go up the side to reach the penthouse floor.
Author: Rebecca
Pairing: James/Jason
Rating: PG-13 for bad language
Archiving permission: My site, HMFF, anyone else ask
Disclaimer: I really wish this happened
Summary: James is not having a good day so Jason makes him feel better. This is during the �Black� album. It�s a snuggle-fest!
Author�s note: getting clunked in the head by a flying showerhead really happened to me and I had a lovely bruise on my head for almost two weeks!
Plans Laid
Author: Rebecca
Pairing: Randy/Bob
Rating: R for some language and implied stuff
Archiving permission: My page and others ask and you might receive
Disclaimer: I never see this happening (and I weep about it every day)
Summary: third in the �Hope� series Bob and Randy are making some plans for fun
Winter Getaway
Author: Rebecca
Pairing: implied Kirk/Lars and implied James/Jason
Rating: R for swearing and for some implied stuff
Archiving permission: My site, anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: To my knowledge this never happened; to bad, so sad
Summary: Kirk and Lars get into a fight and it�s up to Jason and James to get they �talking� again.

Fun in the Snow Series
What is a family?
Author: Rebecca
Pairings: none
Ratings: R for bad language
Archiving Permission: here; anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: Nope never happened, never will.
Summary: James is told the obvious when it comes to families. This is an answer to Diana�s challenge ;-)
Snowball Chance In Hell
Author: Rebecca
Pairings: None
Ratings: R-ish I guess for language and an innuendo here and there.
Archiving Permission: here; anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: Never happened, never will. Nevertheless, it would be funny if it did :-)
Summary: What�s a few snowballs between friends?

Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? The Vampire Series
Author: Rebecca
Pairings: Varies
Ratings: Varies
Archiving Permission: my site; anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: Nope never happened but it would make a freaky movie ;-)
Summary: Cliff is a master vampire. Enough said.
Notes:This story is broken up into its chapters for easier reading.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1
Pairings: James/Randy
Ratings: NC-17
Archiving Permission: here; anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: This never happened. But damn it I want it to happen
Summary: Somebody gets some piercings done.
Notes: Yes there is piercings being done. If you don�t like, don�t read.
Chapter 2
Author: Rebecca
Pairings: Bob/Lars
Ratings: NC-17
Archiving Permission: here; anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: This never happened. But damn it I want it to happen
Summary: Someone gets to see an interesting piercing.
Notes: A piercing in a place that would make anyone question the man�s sanity. Or at least question how many tequilas he had before the �act� was done.
Chapter 3 (Well it�s a tattoo but still it belongs here)
Author: Rebecca
Pairings: Jason/Kirk
Ratings: NC-17
Archiving Permission: here; anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: This never happened. But damn it I want it to happen
Summary: Someone gets a tattoo.

Stand Alones
Phone Call
Author: Rebecca
P airings: James/?
Rating: R for swearing and for some implied stuff
Archiving permission: My site, anyone else please ask
Disclaimer: To my knowledge this never happened; to bad, so sad
Summary: James gets a dirty phone call in a meeting.
Notes: I will admit to having an unhealthy liking of meetings. Sometimes ;-)
Stay The Night
Author: Rebecca
Archive Permission: Here and HMFF
Pairings: Cliff/James
Ratings: PG-ish, some bad words mostly
Disclaimer: Never happened, at least I don�t think it ever happened, it *might* have happened, I just don�t know damn it!
Summary: James breaks his arm and Cliff gets to baby-sit him.

Passing Notes
Author: Rebecca
Archiving Permission: here, my DJ or my web site; anyone else please ask
Pairings: none
Ratings: PG-13
Disclaimer: Never happened. At least I don�t think it ever happened.
Summary: The boys get bored during a meeting and start passing notes.
Kiss It And Make It Feel Better
Author: Rebecca
Archiving Permission: Here, anyone else please ask.
Pairing: James/Jason
Rating: R for language and implied stuff
Disclaimer: Never happened most likely never will
Summary: You figure it out
Note: No beta, all mistakes are mine
Until I Sleep Again
Author: Rebecca
Archiving Permission: My web page, my DJ, and HMFF�anyone else please ask
Pairings: James/Cliff
Ratings: PG
Disclaimer: While Cliff dying under the bus is sadly true, the rest of my snippet is not.
Summary: The day after �The Accident�.
Notes: Macky gave me the following words and pairing: liquid, truth, and dream; James/Cliff


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