

Mormons collect Mormon Miles, which are used in much the same way as Marlboro Miles, you get Mormon Gear for collecting certain amounts, i.e. Official Mormon Hats, Shirts, Pool Tables, etc. You see a lot of Mormons riding bikes around in suits, that's because the more they travel and give out The Book of Mormon, the more Mormon Miles you get. The Mormons are actually a secret organization that runs the world, they control all the world leaders. As well as for Mormon Gear, Mormon Miles are used to signify rank in the Mormon Army. For example, collecting, say, 100,000 Mormon Miles gives you command of one of the Mormon Nuclear Submarines. now, I don't know the exact numbers, but you get the picture. Also, according to their beliefs, you must collect a certain number of Mormon Miles in your lifetime to access heaven. As for the Mormons, their ultimate goal is complete world domination, meaning everyone will be Mormon, while all other religions are purged from existence. Once they get powerful enough, they will launch their attacks on key religious sites of all other major religions, then once they destroy all other religions, they will take complete control of the world.
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