

When Things Get Boring


3:03 AM, Saturday, June 28, 2003
Yawn. I'm tired, I've been up all night. I also woke up early yesterday, and played a lot of SSBM with one of my friends, then Catrina. I should go to sleep, and I will as soon as I finish this update. Okay, today I updated my SSBM data, added a couple rants, and a couple enemies. Not very much, but it's better than nothing! Anyway, I'm off to bed... -_-

Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Update! I bet everyone is happy. I updated a lot this time. I added the rest of my house in the Screenshots/Areas Section, I added a few profiles, and added more to the other profiles. I also added my SSBM data in the stuff section. I think that's it though. Also, my mom finally went out and bought some food, so I can eat again.

Saturday, June 21, 2003
Finally it is Saturday. We missed the 20th, but at least we are moving on now. Interesting happenings today include the release of the 5th Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. Isn't everyone just jumping for joy. I added a page in the Screenshots/Enemies section. I may update again later today, but don't get your hopes up!

Friday? June 19, 2003
Now it's still June 19, but at least it's not Thursday. But wait, it was Thursday yesterday, and yesterday was June 19, so maybe it's really still Thursday... I found this giant dead flea on my bed this morning when I woke up. I think it was on Solid Cat, then she redirected her blood flow so that the flea got a huge amount of blood sucked into it's body, killing it. Yeah, that's what happened. Anyways, I added Catrina's Profile, and a few things in the screenshots section. Sign the new Guestbook in the Stuff section!

Thursday, June 19, 2003
Oh my god, it's still Thursday! The world is ending! Ahem, okay. I added "My Room" in Screenshots/Game Areas. I also added a movie to Soupy's favorite movies, but no one cares about Soupy, right?

Thursday, June 18, 2003
I put the site on the internet, finally. I have 3 profiles in the Characters section, and some rantings in the Stuff section, and stuff in the links section. I will be adding the Screenshots section shortly...

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