WAR AGAINST POP!!!  Mwahahahaha!  Come!  Share the wealth of my insanity!!! Ummm.... *cough* Anyway...what was I talking about?  Ah, yes, Anti-Pops.  Well, it's quite simple really...if you like very little or no pop music, this is the clique for you.  I hate pop for various reasons: most of the music is not even remotely catchy and NONE of those 'quaint' lil pop stars can sing!!!!  Plus, almost all pop-stars are promoting fashism and are COMPLETELY manufactured.  If you share in my beliefs, stand proudly and post one of these ugly, yet happie, Anti-Pop chickies on yer webpage with a link back to my site, but only if yah want to.  Thanks for listening to my pathetic rambling! 
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