
The captain of the Nadesico.  Yurika is a very. . .special lady.  Her primary purpose is life is apparently to get Akito to fall in love with  her.  For the most part she is extremely happy and enthusiastic (and rather dippy)  though at times she can get serious.
    Yurika was born on Mars (Martian Successor. . .beginning to understand)  and so tends to take for granted things that the rest of the crew struggles to understand. 
     There really isn't much to say about Yurika.  She's not a very complicated character,  although she is in the middle of a rather complicated love triangle.  Her 2 in command,  Jun Aoi,  chases after her.  She chases after Akito.  Megumi chases after Akito.    But,  in the end,  the great victor is Yurika + Akito.  For some reason Jun simply disappears,  and the Megumi and Akito thing just never works out.
     Despite her intellectual shortcomings,  Yurika tends to take her job very seriously.  One of the highlights of the second tape takes place in the second episode,  where Yurika is frantically performing weddings.  (of course,  the best part of that episode is a conversation between Megumi and Ruri. . .more on that later)
   So,  basically,  Yurika is a simple,  uncomplicated girl with one thing on  her mind. . .AKITO

Akito is a cook. . .no,  a pilot. . .no,  a cook. . .no,  a pilot. . .cook. . .pilot. . .COOK. . .PILOT. . .COOOOKKK!
    One of the greatest dilemmas in this series is with Akito trying to decide whether to be a cook,  or a pilot.
   Like Yurika,  Akito was born on Mars.  It was there that he found his true calling as a pilot. . .er,  as a cook.  Gimme a second and I'll delve into his decision.
Cook-On Mars there are little things called nano-machines.  They look like. . .worms.  Anyway,  these nano-machines create an atmosphere so people can breathe on Mars,  as well as cultivate the soil.  While Akito lived on Mars,  the soil wasn't perfect,  and plants tasted funny.  But a good cook could make them good.  Therefore,  Akito decided to become a cook.
PILOT-One day Yurika climbed into a big tractor-like-object and starting playing around with it,  pretending to be a pilot.  It started getting out of control.  Akito jumped on it,  and tried to control it but couldn't.  He decided to become a pilot and learn to control them.
    So,  officially Akito joins the Nadesico as a cook,  but her eventually becomes one of the most skilled pilots. . .not to mention the love of every woman's life. 
    Onto his personality.  Akito is slightly. . .high-strung.  He tends to jump on the tiniest details,  and has many random spazzes.  It is because of his erratic behavior that I forgive him for being such a girl magnet.  He is also an avid fan of the an ow,  Gekiganger 3. 
     At the beginning of the show,  Akito is constantly running away from Yurika,  although eventually he falls prey to her charms.  Not,  however,  until after a little love affair with the communications expert,  Megumi.  
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