Bwa ha ha!  This is one of my favorite couples!  I love Akatsuki,  and I love Ryoko,  and I love Akatsuki + Ryoko!  Yea!!!!1
    ::calms down:: Right.  Well.  Check out t his couple.  You've got the short-haired,  spastic woman, and the long-haired collected man.  One has some problems with self-doubt,  the other probably doesn't even know what the words mean.    Both are exceptional pilots,  and really cool characters.  Therefore. . .they deserve each other.  Hey,  you know the old saying.  Opposites attract.
   But actually I have more to base this on then the simple wish that my two favorite characters get together.  honestly,  I do.    For example:: clears throat.  Alright.  in the. . .um. . .fourth tape it begins.  During the beach episode.  Ryoko blasts a big robot-thingie.  HIgh above Akatsuki assumes a look of astonishment and says. . .prepare yourselves. . ."Oh, mama." 
   ::Calms down:: Yes.  Back to the point.    there is indeed still more.  IN the fifth tape,  first episode,  they're all happily walking around and whatever.   Akito walks off.  Ryoko follows him.  Then all of a sudden Akatsuki's there.  Anyone else thinkin' what i'm thinkin?  AKATSUKI FOLLOWED RYOKO!  YES!   I SEE LOVE!!  And then what does Akatsuki do when he arrives.  Tries to turn Ryoko's mind against Akito.  Now,  Akatsuki never tried to tell anyone else what a loser Akito was. . .nobody but Ryoko!  For whom he clearly has feelings!  (though he probably doesn't know it left)  So later on in that episode Akatsuki and Akito are forced to leave the girls.   But Akatsuki's screen comes back on later,  telling them to leave (I don't know how,  ::Sigh::)  Now,  where was Akito's communication?  Surely Akito The Kind-Hearted would usually be the one to warn  others. . .but not this time.  Akatsuki does it.  Catching on now,  aren't ya?  Seeing the light,  eh?
      So Ryoko and the other pilots grab and tank and go off. . .to save Akito and Akatsuki!  Yea!  And when they meet up,  Akatsuki turns to Ryoko,  happily surprised.  She tells him that they're all on the same team,  and they proceed to blow up a tank together.  Alright!!!  Not to mention Ryoko calls him a "long-haired showoff".  Ahh. . .they already have nicknames for each other.  (Notice also that Akatsuki,  a very proud man,  has no problems with Ryoko calling him names)
But wait!  There's MORE!!!!!!
     ::Breathes deeply::  yes.  I'm better now.   But there is still more,  so hold on.  In the seventh tape,  after Minato and Megumi are kidnapped,  who immediately runs out to save them?  Ryoko and Akatsuki!  Together!  here's a clincher,  folks,  'cuz look at it.  Akatsuki could have grabbed Izumi  (whom I have read FAR too many fanfics)  Ryoko could have grabbed either of the other girls.  but they didn't!  they chose to go with each other!  And they work so well together,  too.  Akatsuki sitting there saying they'll never make it.  ("Alright guys,  we're going in!")  And then they come out again. . .which Akatsuki gently points out.  ::Grin::
    And then,  in the 19th episode with the talent show,  we see more.  ryoko complains about her only skill being fighting.  Akatsuki shoots up and asks her "if you're good at something,  why not do it?"  He later chimes in to say that he'd be lost without her.  Now,  coming from Akatsuki,  that's GOT to mean something pretty dern significant. 
    Alright,  finally nearing the end,  now.  There's one more point I wanted to make,  but I can't remember what it is now.    But anyways,  I guarantee that I'll sign on later and put it on here,  'cuz anything that links together these two awesome characters is okay in my book. 
    So there is my proof on why opposites DO attract.  ::Grin:: Now if only I could find a pic of the two of them. . .awww. . .Sorry.  I just REALLY like them together.  Why does nobody else realize the beauty of these two?  Why?
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