
Hmm.  Perhaps this is not the most flattering picture of Hikaur I could find.  ::Shrugs:: Oh well.  She'll deal with it.  Hikaru is the youngest of the three female pilots,  and also the most immature.  She is another fan of the Gekiganger series,  and has a slight crush on one of the character by the name of Joe.  She has numerous odd gadgets (such as the glasses you can see at the left)  Supposedly she's a brilliant pilot and great with long-range and attacks, but as to the truth of that. . .well,  no one can say for sure.  Hikaru is the most enthustiastic of the pilots,  and the only one who will admit that she likes the others.  She's very dippy,  worse then Yurika,  but hey.  Nobody blames her for it.

Another of the trio of female pilots,  Izumi is. . .a little different.  So she's really weird.  She is constantly spouting off puns that NOBODY understands (port)  and . . .yes.  SHe is strange.  But she does have a little reason,  I guess.  Both of her two fiances died before she ever got married,  so Izumi's had her share of tragedy.   Other then that,  there's not much to say about her.  She's the closest to a Gothic character there is in this show (please ignore the brigh red uniform).  I don't really like Izumi very much,  but I know a bunch of people who do,  so. . .whatever.

My personal favorite character from Nadesico,  Ryoko is the leader of the three female pilots.  She's tough,  kinda mean,  and a definite individual.  Unfortunately,  she too has fallen for Akito.  Fortunately she doesn't spaz over him like Megumi and Yurika.  Ryoko has a habit of getting VERY into battles and trying to blast everyone she meets.  Ya gotta love a girl  like that,  right?  Plus,  she has possibly the coolest hair of any character I've seen in my life.  You know,  I love Ryoko,  but there's not much to say about her.  Ryoko can be summed up in one word. . .violent.
Akatsuki- My absolute FAVORITE male characters in the series!  Of course,  he doesn't have much competition. . .no matter!  He is a consummate womanizer.  (Can't you tell by the picture)  He's also extremely smart.  .and extremely rich.  (Hee hee,  Spoiler!) Akatsuki comes on board in the third tape,  although you don't really see him much until the 4th.  He is majorly into the glory of fighting,  and thoroughly dislikes anime.  He takes every chance possible to remind Akito of how much he hates anime.  He is also a VERY good volleyball player,  and looks gorgeous in a speedo.  Other then that.  . .well,  I think his brother was killed in a battle or something,  I'm not realy sure. Just remember that Akatsuki is not exactly what he sees.  Oh,  and I personally think he should get together with Ryoko.  Personal view.  (Oh Mama).  So that's it.  I love Atasuki.

This poor girl's only in one episode. . .the 13.  She comes as a replacement for Akito,  but dies almost immediately.  Poor baby.

That's right!  Jun's a pilot!  BWA HA HA!  He's not very good. . .OH WELL!  You can read about him with the rest of the characters on The Bridge
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