
   He's the leader of Gekiganger, and is the typical anime hero.  he has big hair,  and goggles,  and likes to yell.  He's hotheaded,  doesn't have too much sense,  and is a great fighter.  The stereotypical hero,  like I said.
   In one Gekiganger episode he meets the perfect woman. . .she's beautiful,  nice,  and a great cook.  Her names Aquamarine.  Unfortunately,  Ken later discovers that she's his worst enemy,  and is forced to fight her.  how very touching.

    Like Ken,  Joe is stereotypical.  the stereotypical bishounen,  that is.  Handsome, cool,  and collected.  Joe dies in one of the episodes,  sacrificing himself for the good of Gekiganger.  He also tends to fight with Ken.    He's the perfect secondary character.  Kinda sad,  huh?
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