Well,  not too much is happening right now.  The Nadesico has escaped from the Jovian lizards and is just kind of floating around in space.  Ines, Ruri,  and Yurika are putting together a childrens TV show "Learn About The Nadesico."  It's rather amusing,  since you get to see Ruri in overalls and Yurika in a big bunny suit.  ("She's so cute. . .no!  Must resist!" Jun)  Unfortunately Ruri tends to get a little too techinical in her explanations and nobody can understand what she's saying.    Meanwhile Akito is having a dream about yurika. . When he wakes up,  he discovers that his little Gai Gekiganger figure is missing. . .
    So during the middle of their TV show,  Gort catches on to what's happening and runs over there,  trying to stop everything.  But when  he's there,  he can't come up with any reason to stop,  and Yurika is just so passionate about doing something to help. . .not to mention Ines gives a little background on herself.  So he allows them to continue.   Akito meanwhile is jsut kind of walking along,  and he runs into the admiral.  Literally.  They sit down and drink iced tea and watch the show that the women are producing.  All  of a sudden, Ines brings out a little Gekiganger figure,  and proceeds to flick off his arm.  Akito goes ballistic, and runs over to the women,  frantically tring to find both his Gekiganger figure,  and the arm that fell off of it.  Yurika takes this as a sign of reconciliation (how she does this,  I don't know)  But then the prospector comes in,  congradulates them on a good show,  and warns them about conserving energy.
    A whole lot more nothing happens, a nd Akito talks to Ines.  She mentions feeling like she's met him before (remember this. . .it's important)  and then proceeds to ask how they got him on the ship.  She mentions that the admiral was in charge of the chulip falling on his colony. . .
    A meeting is called to determine what to do.  Akito asks the truth about the admiral,  finds it out,  and proceeds to attack him.  Surprisingly,  Akito is taped to a chair --not.  Jun mentions punishing him,  but Yurika waves that comment aside.   For some reason they decide to get ahold of another ship that arrived by going through a Chulip,  and to get it upline.  The admiral and Ines have to go because of their expertise. . .and Akito goes because it's his 'punishment.' 
    As they're walking along,  they notice that the ship apparently just arrived. . .despite the fact that it should have taken it years.  Then they're attacked by a bug.  Akito pushes the admiral out of the way,  and saves his life.  They then go to get the guns online when they're attacked by chulips.   Akito is in his Aestivals,  and he picks up Ines and heads back to the Nadesico.  The admiral remains on the other ship,  and . . .turns his guns on the Nadesico!  Can the admiral have gone evil?
   Of course not.  He tries to force the nadesico into the Chulip,  and everyone onboard thinks it's murder.  Yurika realizes that the admiral is sacrificing himself for the Nadesico,  and she quickly runs through the Chulip.

    Next episode. . .it begins with Yurika,  Akito,  and ines all sleeping back to back in the little simulated reality room.  Ruri is the only one awake and she's frantically (or as frantic as Ruri gets)  trying to wake the captain.  They're exited the Chulip and are in the middle of a huge crossfire.  Yurika runs up to the bridge,  panics at the pretty lights,  and orders a gravity blast.
   Turns out they shot at their own fleet.  That's okay though. . .nobody was killed,  they only disintegrated a large number of jockey shorts.  However,  it turns out that Nergal has joined that other World United thingie,  and they want to obsorb the nadesico.  Therefore,  they send the chairman's secretary,  Erina,  to join the Nadesico as a helmswoman.  A pilot,  Akatsuki,  also joins the crew.
   Actually,  Akatsuki joined a little earlier,  during a fairly insignificant battle.  he decided to get to know Akito a little better,  and challenges him to a game of basketball.  There was one thing Akatsuki forgot to mention,  though. . .they were playing in zero gravity.  Akito has more then a little difficulty adjusting to this,  and only manages to move by kicking off his shoe.  As he is stuck in a basketball net,  yurika announces that all Aestivalis are to take off.  Akito and the rest run to their ships.
    While Hikaru,  Ryoko,  Izumi,  and Akatsuki are busy fighting guys,  Akito is spazzing out.  He can't fight.  All of a sudden a Jovian engages him,  and the two disappear into deep space.  They pass out of the nadesico's field,  and Akito is without energy. . .and with very little air left.
    Courageously,  Yurika and Megumi hop into some ships and head off to go save Akito.  They end up in a battle,  however,  and Akito ends  up having to save them.  He's then stuck in a bit of a problem. . .what little air he had left was now going to be used up at an even faster rate.  All of a sudden. . .revelation.  He remembers having kicked off his shoe to move in zero gravity before. . .this time he starts jetisonning off parts of his Aestivalis,  and they are happily heading towards the Nadesico.
    When. . .a new dilemma.  Well,  they're all moving now,  but they aren't moving fast enough.  However,  if one person was kicked off. . .Akito debates shoving Yurika off,  because he'd HAVE to come back and get her.  Then Megumi and Yurika get into a fight,  because they both want to be the one that Akito HAS to come back and get.  Akito meanwhile is sulking,  and thinks inevitably of Gai.  What would gai do?  rather bravely  (and idiotically)  akito decides to keep all three of them in the Aestivalis and hope for the best.
    Luckily for those three,  Jun has taken his own initiative and has headed the Nadesico towards them,  muttering some nonsense about good competition.  They pick up the three and everybody is very happy.  THIS is when Erina arrives. . .and the evil little admiral you may remember from the first episod.e  The one who shot Gai.  So it's a big happy familiy. . .until Erina mentions having moved Akito,  Ines,  and yurika to the room.  hmm.  . . is a plot afoot?
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