((This is something I wrote just because I felt like it and I wanted to get a feel for the characters. I was actually pretty happy with the way it turned out, although I haven't been able to do anything more with it. I just suck at coming up with plot. At any rate, this blurb features Rowan's children and represents pretty much a typical interaction between the two of them-- just a regular old day, nothing special.))

         Linnae sat in the whispering shade of one of the trees she was named for, feeling the grass soft under her feet and cool in spite of the warmth of the sunny day. She dug her bare toes in, luxuriating in the sensation, as she watched her older brother and idol Kedar practice his forms.
         She had been content to watch for some time- nearly an hour. However, her attention now waned, and she also noticed that a red blotch was spreading across the shoulder of her brother's white shirt. ''Kedar!'' she called aloud. He did not deviate in his graceful, trained movements, giving no sign that he had heard her.
         She sighed, and opened her shields. **Kedar!** The word blasted through his thoughts, causing him to stumble and nearly drop his blade. ''Linn...'' he growled, turning icy blue eyes to meet her yellow ones. She was the only one capable of breaking his concentration once he had focused on a task.
         Swallowing, she squirmed under his gaze and presented a contrite face. She hadn't wanted to risk his irritation, but... ''You shoulder's opened up again,'' she explained meekly. ''Mother said... and you never feel it...'' He reached a hand up and touched the wetness at his back, grimacing at the red staining his fingers. ''You were right, of course.'' He wiped his hand on his shirt carelessly and walked over to rumple her settled hair with a grin. Though she growled at him and swatted his hand, secretly she was pleased that he was not angry. It was not that he was mean, or that he would hurt her; he was simply her older brother, and she adored him. Which was why she put up with... ''Come on, Squirt!''
         Scrambling to her feet, she hurriedly shook out her deep red skirts and hitched them up, running after the disappearing halo of his fine blonde hair, lighter even than their father's.

((In the other blip with Fallon (Rowan's cousin) and Rowan, it's mentioned that Rowan has yellow eyes and that Fallon's are pale blue. There's a reason Rowan's children have eyes of the same colors. Family trait. Yellow eyes are a sign of inheritance of an active rogue psionic gift-- somewhen waaaay back, a demi-god decided to screw around with Rowan's family's bloodline.))


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