All About Me in 514 Questions

1.Do you ever have to beg? for certain things
2.Are you sweaty all the time? whenever it's warm.
3.Do you urinate in public swimming pools? When im bored.
4.Do you wear a watch? yes
5.Have you ever eaten rotten alfalfa sprouts? no.
6.Have you ever mistaken salt for sugar? yeah, and vice versa.
7.Do you fight over the remote control? not often
8.Does your area have good radio stations? no
9.Do you judge actual books by their covers? yeah
10.Do you donate blood? needles are scary
11.What is your favorite nursery rhyme? The messed up version of Humpty Dumpty.
12.Can you balance on one leg for very long? yes
13.Name something you would like to experience in your lifetime. requited love
14.Are you dramatic? yes, very
15.Were you a planned baby, or a nice surprise? planned, and a surprise... like, 2 weeks after the doctors told my mom she would never get pregnant... oops... she was!
16.Do you like walking on dried leaves? *grins bigly*
17.Can you hook your leg behind your neck? *tries* ow! no.
18.Are you a homebody? a what?
19.Do you long for adventure? Adventure and the thrill of battle!
20.Are you waiting for a donor organ? no
21.Are you afraid of anything? yes, but mostly emotional things. though spiders scare me. and things that sting *really* scare me.
22.Do you climb trees often? wish I could, but there are no low branches in brandermill
23.Have you ever slept in a cave? no
24.Would you rather waterski or snowski? cross-country skiing is fun, but I wanna try waterski
25.Have you ever cast a spell on anyone? tried to
26.Do you like eating alone in restaurants? No.
27.Have you ever bathed a cat? yep. not roxanne, though... I'd have to straight-jacket her
28.How many national parks have you visited? at least 5... probably more you go out in the cold with wet hair? no. in the winter I wash my hair at night.
30.Do you ever wear mismatched socks? all my socks are the same... lol
31.Have you ever thrown something at a window causing the glass to break? no... but I've tried
32.Is it safe to give birth outside of a hospital? yeah. just as long as the place is clean, and an ambulance can get there if something goes wrong...
33.Have you ever been stalked? no
34.Have you recently sucked on anyone�s toes? o.O no...
35.Do you know anyone that is racist? yeah... my mom would rather have me be black.
36.Do you think white males have the easiest existence? no
37.Have you ever attended a fashion show? No.
38.Do you think that your government is corrupt? yeah... what government isn't?
39.Do you like to hear both sides of a story before choosing what to believe? yeah
40.Do you think men should be forced to fight wars for their countries? no
41.Do you know which animal species Dian Fossey is credited with saving? no clue.
*42.Do you ever throw pennies away? no. I drop them for ppl to find later.
43.Are you goal oriented? quite.
44.How many surveys have you done? a good handful
45.Do you believe the destruction of the earth�s rain forests to be a significant problem? no shit, it's significant... *gasps for breath* oxygen! I... need... oxygen!
46.Are you a pyromaniac? I am scared of intense heat, too...
47.Do have too many love interests right now? I've never had too many love interests... no more than one at a time.. unless that's "too much"...
48.Can you make a good margarita? I only know there's salt on the rim, and an olive at the bottom... that's all I know.
49.Do you lead a fastpaced life? not when I'm in control.
50.Have you ever had amnesia? what was my name again?
51.Are you a whiz? what kind of whiz?
52.Were you spoiled as a child? not really. I could get pretty much whatever I wanted, but I had to work my ass off to get it...
53.Have you ever stepped on a scorpion? that would really suck. no.
54.Have you ever eaten chocolate covered grasshoppers? I wanna try that now.
55.Does it bother you if people can hear you pee? Yes.
56.Who was your favorite character on Gilligan�s Island? Gilligan. 'cause he's the most relaxed one there... if there's drama, he usually sits back and wonders what happened, while everyone else is throwing hissy fits.
57.What kind of clothing does Waldo wear? little cartoon stripey red and white shirts... and pants and glasses. does he wear a hat? I can't remember...
58.Do you like ketchup or catsup? *tosses a kitty in the air* cats up!
59. Do you have gingivitis? maybe. I don't think so, tho... not anymore. unless it's a virus.. in which case, yes.
60.Do you have a receding hairline? no, thank goodness
61.Do you own a bread machine? my mom does.. I may steal it. those things make yummy bread!
62.Have you ever tried on dentures? no, and I hope I never have to.
63.Do you know what shmoo is? Colby drew shmoos... but I don't think that's what they actually were... *remembers the Rowe shmoo and busts out laughing*
64.How many times a day do you comb brush your hair? at least once on days without work, at least twice when I have work.
65.Did you/do you skip classes during school? I would use my cramps as an excuse to leave class. then I'd go to the clinic and sleep...
66.Do you know anyone famous? not really.
67.Are you proud to have Bill Clinton as your president? Was I? no... he did some good stuff but his morals were... not admirable.
68.Do you have buck teeth? nope. My favorite ice skater does, tho! she's famous for her back flips... I can't spell her name, tho... *tries* Ceria Bonali? She's either French or Italian... and she's black.. and famous, so you probably know who I'm talking about
69.Do you think Americans eat a healthy diet? *busts out laughing* WHAT?! You know how many triple cheeseburgers I make at wendy's every day? how many junior bacons? how many... well, you get the idea...
70.How many times a year do you go to the doctor? once, at most.
71.Do you like your feet massaged? YES!!! I just wish I had someone nice who'd do it for me... v.v
72.Do you like to massage other�s feet? never given anyone a massage 'cept my mom when she was teaching me. i didn't get much of a kick out of massaging her...
73.Do you own a pet collar? Do you wear it? no.
74.Are you bisexual? I like boys
75.Do you like bananas? They're not prefferred, but I don't mind them
76.What is your waist size? 36, I think. big.
77.Do you have big thighs? THUNDER THIGHS!!
78.Do you like to camp? only if it's not wet. or overly hot.
*79.Do you throw pennies into wishing wells or ponds? I empty my pockets of change. and I repeat wishes, too.
*80.Do you have any metallic underwear? metallic-colored? yeah. gold-colored. *shrug* nu'n special.
81.Do you have anything moldy in your refrigerator right now? I hope not.
82.Have you ever tasted soycheese? cheese made of soy? sounds gross. I like tofu, tho, that's real soycheese.
83.Do you talk in your sleep? when I'm really exhausted. I cry in my sleep, though... and I sing in my sleep.
84.How many mousepads do you own? 1
85.Do you like Def Lepard? who?
86.Do you listen to advice? if it's reasonable.
87.What do you think of Rush Limbaugh? *shrug*
88.Do you like Howard Stern? *shrug*
89.How about Dr. Laura? *shrug*
*90.Do you bite your fingernails? no
91.Do you use Q-tips? yes.
92.Would you rather be a teacher or a accountant? teacher
93.Do you blow bubbles with your spit? if I'm *really* bored. and phlegmy
94.Did you sing in your car today? no
*95.What magazines do you subscribe to? none.
96.Do you prefer warm or cool colors? cool. I'm a winter!
97.How many of my surveys have you taken? no clue... who are you?
98.Have you ever eaten hummus? YUM!!!!!!!!! It's really good on a bagel, with a slice of turkey and romaine lettuce
99.Do you consider your clothing to be �In Style�? somewhat.
100.Do you bleach your hair? no.
101.When is the last time you held a newborn baby? *thinks* 5 years ago.
102.Do you know who Michael Klaper, M.D. is? Name rings a bell
103.Can you see your cheekbones? *pushes at cheek fat* no.
104.Do you put extra salt on all your food? if it needs it.
105.Do you use conditioner? almost every day
106.Do you own a scanner? not personally
107.Did you go to a store today? does wendy's count?
108.What kind of gas do you put in your car? I ride a bike
109.Are you tired of the town you live in? naaa...
110.Have you ever peirced your bellybutton by yourself? owchies!
111.Do you believe in aliens? not in that sense of the word.
112.What color do you wear the most? green and blue.
113.Is there anything you want the world to know? yes.
114.Do you get your feelings hurt easily? not anymore. I have nerves of steel. I'm not incredibly patient, anymore, tho, when ppl are tryin to hurt my feelings.
115.Describe your bed. wood. boxy. has light fake-wood paper stuff on it.
116.Do you have any orange, harvest gold, or avocado green carpeting, appliances, curtains, or furniture? those are warm colors. I like cool colors
117.Have you ever been a guest at a health spa? wish I had been
118.Do you like watching extremely drunk people when you are sober? couldn't tell ya
119.Have you ever been wrongly accused of a crime? yeah, several.
120.Do you like the way panty hose look? in short skirts, yeah. (my definition of short is above mid-calf...)
121.Do you like Birkenstocks, or wear them? If so, why? is that like Lederhosen?
122.Do you make it a point to exercise? no. i just do.
123.Which is more important, an attractive face, or an attractive body? body.
124.Do you sun bath nude? wish I could. nude feels good... and the sun feels good... *sigh* but i'm in too much of an exposed place to expose myself... lol
*125.Do you swear often? not really
126.Are you a prude? concerning some things
127.Do you find women wearing long flannel nightgowns sexy? am I supposed to find women sexy in the first place?
128.Have you read any books about the Holocaust? yeah
129.Are you more of a conformist or nonconformist(ncf)? I'm just me.
130.What is your favorite bumpersticker saying? Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
131.Do you put bumperstickers on your vehicle? If i had a car, I would, but no point in trying to put a sticker on a bike
132.Do you have many lucid deams? (The kind where you are aware that you are dreaming and can make conscious choices). those are fun!
133.Do you like puppet shows? somewhat
134.Do you dress up on Halloween? What has been your best costume? always. I've had a lot of good costumes... I liked the one where I was Ariel, from Shakespeares' "Tempest". and I dressed up as a cute skunk one year and sprayed stinky perfume at ppl. and... I was a unicorn when I was 4. the headpiece still fits. my mom made it. ^^
135.Have you ever watched snails make love? why?
136.Have you tried wheatgrass juice? never heard of it.
137.Do you always wear the same perfume or cologne? usually.
138.Do you think children spend too much time in daycare nowadays? definitely. they're bound to get confused as to who their parents are...
139.Lions or tigers? tigers!
140.Europe or Africa? Europe.
141.Do you like speaking in public? if i can follow a script/speech on paper, and not just notes.
*142.Are you easily amused? *is amused by the random asterisks on this survey* yeah
143.Is masturbation wrong? eh... it depends, I think.
144.Brown rice or white rice? brown
145.Black, white, or gray? white
146.Are pregnant women wearing bikinis attractive to you? women aren't attractive to me.
147.Do you have sloppy handwriting? my print is sloppy, my cursive is nice.
148.At a park would you rather swing or slide? swing
149.Does the tip of your nose point up or down more? Don�t know.
150.Name the seven continents. Asia, Africa, Antarctica, South America, Australia, North America, and Europe!
151.Which ocean is closest to you? atlantic
152.Do you have violent moodswings? not violent anymore. my parents do, though.
153.Have you ever buried a time capsule? I want to.
154.What makes life worth living? the hope that maybe tomorrow will be better.
*155.Spontaneous or plan every detail? plan going out, spontaneous occurences while out.
156.Do you like the way bodybuilders look? bodybuilders have muscles. muscles scare me
157.Can you detect when someone is wearing false eyelashes? yeah.
158.Which planet has the best name? They're all nice. but uranus is best for humor value. you can't say it any way without it sounding wrong.
159.Can you remember the subject you wrote your first report about? yeah. Meriwether Lewis biography. 10 pages. 4th grade. WTF were they thinking?!
160.Do you own a teapot? no
161.Have you ever picked fruit? apples, pears, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries
162.What climate is most comfortable for you? temperate.
163.Do you think people who kill people should be killed? they should be put in padded cells and kept alive. they took a life, why not take theirs? unless of course it was an accident. like they hit a kid with their car and the kid dies... naa... they don't need more of a punishment.
164.Have you had any limbs amputated? *checks* 10 fingers, 10 toes!
165.Do you eat raw garlic cloves? yep!
166.Are your earlobes attached or unattached? unattached
167.Can you easily compute math problems in your head? some.
168.Do you ever awake from a dream excited, only to realize it was just a dream? that really sucks.
169. Who should play you in a movie about your life? Drew Barrymore. She's the closest thing to my body type. and she can be cute and dramatic. and she can cry.
170. What do you use to wash your hair? scented. at the moment, V05 sunkissed raspberry
171. Your face? noxzema
172. Who�s your favorite Golden Girl? *shrug* I dunno, never seen
173. Do you know how to play poker? yeah. but I'm no good at it.
174. What class did you cut the most in high school? n/a. I cut in middle school. well... sometimes I cut parts of history class... pulled a kestner and said I was going to the bathroom... went and never went back... 'till 5 minutes before class was over.
175. Invite 3 people to dinner: where at? my place. or olive garden. or yamato's
176. Favorite incense flava: never had incense
*177. Age you first shaved: 10. didn't start doing it regularly until I was... 16...
*178. What color nailpolish are ya wearing right now? none. I don't do polish when my nails are short.
179. Coolest animal you�ve seen up close: rhino
180. Favorite comedian: Robin Williams
181. Best chase scene in a movie: THE CHASE SCENE IN THE WIZARD OF SPEED AND TIME!!! OMG that's a great movie!!
182. First letter or digit of yr license plate: n/a
183. Describe your dream wedding: quiet, only our immediate families and close friends. in a religious building of some sort. a string quartet, if any music. the wedding itself very quiet and private... the reception, come one come all... big, loud, fun, cake and yummy things and punch... has to be outside, where me and newly acquired spouse could sit under a tree and get our picture taken. lol. like a fair, I guess... water balloons and stuff, real informal reception. lol... nice polar opposites, eh?
184. First store you run to at the mall: the candle store. or the pet store if there's one.
185. Ever been to a strip club? no, and I never want to.
*186.Do you wear a watch? this has already been asked.
187. Do you know how to tie a tie? sorta.
188. Ever see a UFO? yes *-*
189. Cooking fiasco: I burned a bunch of bacon twice in one day... at wendy's I burned it so bad... (it was supposed to be extra crispy, so we put it in a tater boat... that's standard procedure for a few pieces of extra crispy) it burned through the styrofoam.
190. Thoughts on Eminem: *hiss* eeeevvviiillll....
191. Do you own any diamonds? uh-huh. I like emeralds and rubies better.
192. What do you carry with you at all times? me.
193. Ever smoke a cigar? no
194. Do you snore? no
195. Talk in your sleep? Yeah. this has also already been asked.
196. Gum- fruity or minty? minty
197. How do you drive? ok for a beginner
198. Can you drive stick? not yet
199. Best Elvis song: elvis was a loser.
200. What do you miss most about being little? going outside and playing
201. Whom would you call to bail you out of jail? my uncle bruce. lol. no one else has the money that I know of.
202. Cartoon character you�d date: Kenshin Himura *-*
203. Musical collaboration you�d most like to see: canadian brass and... can't remember the name... really big string quartet
204. Are you allergic to anything? amoxycillin. mosquitoes. very slightly allergic to lobster and crab (have to wash my hands after eating, then I'm fine) and slightly allergic to latex. >.< that makes things difficult in future years, no?
*205. Long-standing crush: my first crush... a guy named brenton. 5th-8th grade.
206. Can you draw/sketch? yes
207. Carnival food: too greasy, but good
208. Who did you want to be as a child? a singer
209. What season were you born in? late summer
210. Are you happy with your birthday? I get it off if it's on a monday. ^^ labor day
211. If you could pick any day to have been born, what day would that be? I like my birthday.
212. Do you believe in past lives? not really.
213. Do you believe in guardian angels? yeah.
214. What is your greatest talent? music? i really don't know of many other talents...
215. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one talent, what would it be? newtype powers. if that's a no-no... animal communication. realistic talent? how 'bout just doubling my musical talent?
216. If you had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks due to illness, who would you want to be your roommate during that time? 'sika.
217. If you could kill one person (alive at the moment) and get away with it, who would it be and why? no.
218. If you could go back and live for 2 weeks in ANY time period and in any part of the world you wanted, when would it be and where? (Note: going back wouldn�t change history, you would merely be an observer.) hmm... in a castle in western europe during the middle ages.
219. What do you believe the most useful invention of the 20th century was? the personal computer.
220. If you had to pick up and relocate to another country, never to return to your home country again, what country would you move to, and why? France, 'cause the ppl are nice. really, they are.
221. What book do you wish you had written? This latest Harry Potter book. I want money...
222. What is the one historical event you would change (as in, erase it completely from ever happening)? no clue
223. If you could own any famous painting and hang it in your house, which one would you pick? >.< can't remember his name... he was a surrealist... he had this painting called "Clairvoyance" that I'd love...
224. What moment in your life do you wish you could live over again? no asking that.
225. What is your earliest memory? learning to skip down the dirt driveway. I was 2.
226. If you could shave one year off of the lives of 20 people, and add those 20 years to your life, would you do it? depends on who those ppl were.
227. Would it matter if you knew who the people were? yeah.
228. Would your answer change if you were terminally ill in the situation? I don't know...
229. Have you ever truly hated someone? no, but I have been truly hated by many many many ppl. erin=hatable.
230. Do you still? never have, but am still very hated, yes
231. How did it affect you? erin is unloved.
232. Are you happy with your given name? I guess.
233. Do you think it should be illegal for new parents to name their children truly horrible names? Like Ura Hogg? or Ima Hogg? yeah
*234. What is the one thing in your life that you regret NOT doing? Not letting go.
235. How much money would it take to get you to give up the internet (email, chatting, surfing-EVERYTHING) for one year? more than you've got.
236. How about forever? no.
237. If you won the lottery (let�s say 1 million or more), would you go back and give a nice chunk of money to the cashier that sold you the ticket? no...
238. What should ObscureUserName reveal in her 100th entry? Pick one: sex of her baby, her location, or her age? I don't care...
239. If you were picked to be on Survivor II, what would be your luxury item? I'm with 'sika, an evercharged computer.
240. If you could totally and completely give up sleep, would you do it? yeah. I'd want to be able to sleep if I wanted to, tho...
241. If you could totally and completely give up food, would you? no
242. Would you have chosen to be your gender if you had been given the choice? yes
243. If a perfect stranger was a perfect match for a kidney donation, and it would cause you a minimum amount of discomfort, would you do it? yes
244. Would you kill an innocent person to save the life of someone you loved? I'd kill me before anyone else..
245. When you die, will you donate your organs? perhaps
246.If you could bring back one TV show that has been either cancelled or discontinued, and have it be as good as it was when it was airing, what would you bring back? hmmm... I dunno
247.In your opinion, how far should someone go to stop a person from driving drunk (if you believe they should be stopped at all)? straightjacket.
248.What religion are you? LDS/mormon
249.What is the worst crime you have ever commited? lying
250.On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how would you (honestly) rate your physical appearance? 1.3
251.On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how would you (honestly) rate your intelligence compared to other people your age? 6
252.Do you believe it is wrong to marry only for money, if both partners agree to the situation? Yes.
253.If money (for education) were no object and you had children of school age, would you send them to public school, private school, parochial school, boarding school in another country, or would you homeschool them? whichever had the highest scores on a single standardized test... that was a fair test...
254.Should rapists be executed? No... they should be castrated. females, too... there is female castration...
255.Who honestly has it easier in life, women or men? men. harder for women to get jobs, women have to bear children... women can't pee just anywhere...
256.If you could add 10 years to your life by losing 25 IQ points, or add 25 IQ points if you subtracted 10 years from your life, which would you choose? Stay the same.
257.If you found your soulmate, and they were of a different race (as in, something significant, like black/white, etc) than you, would you marry them anyway? yeah. love is love, and black guys are sexy!
258.If you found your soulmate, and they were of a different religion than you, would you marry them anyway? I don't know. I'd do my best to convince him to come to church with me... and if not... I don't know
259.Have you ever seriously considered committing suicide (As in, had a plan, etc?) considered, but never had a plan. everyone thought I did, though... I was in the hospital for a week 'cause ppl thought I did...
*260.If you could change one thing about your body, what would you change? boobs.
261.What is the meanest thing you�ve ever done to someone? I've really deeply insulted the person...
261b.Did you ever apologize for it? yeah... the next time I saw them
262.What is your singlemost chatting pet peeve? the fact that you can't portray emotion via IM
263.What was the situation in which you felt the loneliest you have ever felt in your life? hospital. no one believed anything I said, they said that everything I had to say was "too convenient" and I was "trying to make excuses" no one believed me.
264.Have you ever (honestly) had a true friend (spouses don�t count!)? yes. at least 3.
265.Did you like this survey better or worse than you like the ones you�ve previously done? better
266. What is your job? sandwich maker/fry person/manager's lackey at Wendy's
267. Do you enjoy your job? eh, it's ok. 'cept when the managers have PMS, or the owner's visiting...
268. If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be and why? no.
269. Gold or silver? silver
*270.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Finding Nemo
271. Favorite cartoon character? Ed.
272. What do you have for breakfast? nothing... maybe a granola bar if I'm hungry
273. Who would you hate to be left in a room with? a religious zealot that was trying to force their beliefs on me. that's a pet peeve...
274. Can you touch your nose with your tounge? no
275. What�s your middle name? Claire
276. Beach or city? beach
277. Summer or winter? winter
278. Who was your first girlfriend/boyfriend? someone who has yet to be my boyfriend
279. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so, who? What do you like about him/her? no
280. What is the length of your longest relationship? n/a
281. What is the length of your shortest relationship? n/a
*282. How old were you when you got your first kiss? have not had a passionate kiss yet. just the obligatory goodnight kiss from prom a few months ago. >.< he needed to shave.
*283. Where were you? on my front stoop
*284. Who was the last person you kissed? ned. prom night... but it wasn't a kiss, it was just lip contact and it was done.
285. Salt or butter flavored popcorn? garlic
286. Worst memory: no.
287. Best memories: being with friends. Yamato!!
288. Favorite sandwich filling? radioactive egg salad. mmmmmmmm
289.Have you any pets? girlcats, strider, Fish
290. What characteristics do you despise? damsel-in-distress.. and guys that don't have the guts to say to my face that they don't like me back. I've never been liked back, but never been told... I just know.... there was no question about it.
291. Favorite flower? Passion flower.
292.If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait before you told anyone? after I won. I'd call my friends... I'd NEVER tell my family...
293. Fizzy or still water? still
294.What color is your bathroom? white.
295. How many keys are on your keyring? no keyring.
296. Where would you retire to? I dunno.
297. Can you juggle, if yes, how many? yes. 3, for about half a second.
298. What�s your favorite form of exersize? biking.
299. Red or white wine? I don't drink
*300. What did you do for your last birthday and what were your presents? got a surprise party... v.v Colby gave me, like, 4 presents... *snif* ... I only remember a couple presents I got... one was one I got from cheeseman, a cross-stitch thingy... it's cool, I'm still working on it, lol... and I got a murder mystery from my dad. ^^
301. Where do you food shop? walmart.
302. Future plans? writing, playing music. married, upper-middle class (around 80k/year, my income included), 2 or 3 kids. a farm, with a menagerie
*303. What did you do today? went to church, filled out this survey.
304. Do you carry a donor card? no
305. What kind of bitch ARE you? a sensible one.
306. Whats your favorite animal? anything catlike
307. If you could describe yourself in one word... what word would that be? ugh
*308. What was the last song you were listening to? some song at church.... can't remember what, tho... lol...
312. Do you like Britney Spears? not really
313. Do you like Jessica Simpson? no
314. Do you like Mandy Moore? no
315. What about Christina? no
*316. What magazines do you subscribe to or buy? Taste of Home. a country cooking magazine, lol. and GameInformer.
317. What�s your favorite color? dark green. or maybe blue, or white
Whered 318 and 319 go? >.< I hate it when surveys do that... ask where questions went..
*320. What was the last movie you watched? hmm.... I don't remember
321. Do you have AOL or AOL IM? yup, both
322. How many people are on your buddy list? 75
323. Whats your email address? [email protected]
324. Are you a virgin? Yes. And plan to be, until I'm married. I don't think I could live with myself otherwise...
325. How many guys have you been out with? 4. but they were just friends.
326. What are some things you are obsessed with? eh.
*327. What�d you do over the weekend? slept, chatted, gave my webpage a makeover.
328. Are you a hopeless romantic? yes
329. Have you ever been in a play? yes
330. Who are your best friends? q and 'sika
331. Do you have any penpals? a couple
332. How long have you known your best friends? 'sika, 4 years, q, 6 or 7 months.
333. Have you ever been in love? yes
334. Do you like candy? ^.^ yum!
335. Are you hyper-active? when I'm too tired to do anything else
336. Do you have Napster? no

Which is Worse:
337. Stepping in dog poop or cleaning up dog poop? cleaning
338. Farting in front of your crush or your crush farting in front of you? farting in front of the crush
339. Losing your bikini top or bottom? top.
340. Are you a mad scientist? no
341. Do you like watching movies? yeah
*342. Do you go to the mall a lot? a fair amount
343. Where do you shop at? places
344. Have you ever lied to your parents? all the time... and they know it, 'cause they don't want me to tell them the truth.
345. Have you ever gotten a detention? no
346. Do you talk a lot? yeah
347. Do you like yourself? no
348. Do you believe in yourself? seldom
349. Whats the last thing you said? oki, bye!
350. Who was the last person to talk to you? little friend named virginia
351. Who was the last person to yell at you? mom
*352. Where is your Mom? no clue. somewhere in va is my guess
*353. Where�s your Dad? same as mom
354. What�s your favorite song? *shrug*
355. Who�s your favorite actress? n/a
356. Who�s your favorite actor? n/a
357. Whats the funniest commercial? the jingle for goldfish
358. Are you getting bored? I've been bored
359. Do you like filling out surveys? yeah
361. What radio station do you listen to? NPR
362. What�s your favorite holiday? Christmas
363. What month were you born? September
364. Do you like parties? murder mystery parties!
365. Have you ever tried beer? no
366. Have you ever smoked? no
367. Have you ever done any illegal drugs? no
*368. What are you wearing?: gray t-shirt, long flowing purple skirt, undies.
*369. Fingernail polish: a lot
370. Nose condition: *touches it* it's still here, thanks for asking!
371. Do you have an itch anywhere?: >.< chin. and nose... and forehead... and leg... the question made me itch
372. Where?: and my cheek, and my foot...
*373. Is there anyone with you?: the dog and Fish, do they count?
*374. What did you have for lunch?: egg salad, chips, veggies, veggie dip... there was a potluck lunch after church for one of the missionaries who's going away. ToT it's the mexican, too!! :(
376. Have you ever skateboarded?: fell down.
377. Have you ever broken a bone?: 3.
378. Do you think youre cute?: no
379. What is the most personal thing that you can reveal about your body?: umm... cellulite?
380. What is the first letter of your last name?: um..... I dunno... m?
381. What is the first letter of your first name?: e, I think
*382. How much do you weigh?: I dunno
383. If you were a fruit, which would you be?: a lemon.
385. Boy bands - love �em or hate �em? Why or why not?: eh...
386. Would you rather shoot an innocent puppy, or strangle an innocent baby?: ... neither!
387. If you were forced to slice off one of your body parts, what would it be and why?: lol... I got a mole I wanna get rid of... THAT DOES TOO COUNT!!
388. Are the ads on OD starting to make you VERY mad?: wha?
389. Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: not usually
390. Do giant red-haired cats scare you?: never seen one
391. If a huge lobster started dancing (literally) with you, what would you do?: be very scared.
392. Do you enjoy watching the TV upside-down?: if I'm bored
393. Are you invinsible?: I heal pretty quick.. but I bruise easily, contrary to what some ppl think...
394. What is the worst crime you�ve ever gotten away with?: I dunno
395. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: eh... I guess... could be nicer...
396. How many times do you usually get drunk in one week?: 0
397. Do surveys annoy you?: no
398. If you answered yes to #397, then why are you doing this survey?: lol... good point!
399. I�m thristy - what are going to do about it?: *hands you a glass of water*
400. Do you play the banjo?: no
401. Do you play Banjo and Kazooie?: no, and its banjokazooie
402. Do you snort when you laugh?: rarely
403. What is your view on abortion?: I would allow it in cases of rape, incest, and in cases where the mother's life is in danger if she carries the baby to term
404. Do you suppose you�re racist?: not really. I get racist-ish when I get fed up with the fact that guys don't like white girls.
405. If you were out in the freezing cold, starving, and your best friend died, would you eat your friend and use his or her clothes to keep you warm?: no. might use the clothes, but I wouldn't eat them.
406. Has anyone ever accused you of sterotyping?: yes.
407. If you answered yes to #406, in what way were you accused of sterotyping?: i said someone was acting like they were from p-burg, and it turns out they were from hopewell (whoopdedoo), so i was shunned by all these ppl for a long time..
*408. Girls: if a VERY hot guy walked up and kissed you, what would you do?: I'd be very surprised. and I'd probably be wondering if it was some sort of joke, like his friends dared him to go kiss that ugly girl over there, and they'd give him $50 or something...
409. Guys: if a VERY hot girl walked up and kissed you, what would you do?:
410. Are you sweet, or sexy? neither.
411. How long is your hair? at least 3 ft.
412. Would you rather spend your time with someone who was too mature, or immature? to mature.
413. What is your favorite soft drink? sprite
414. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? i never believed in santa claus
415. What is your favourite song? dunno...
417. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/ boyfriend, or your friends? i dont have a b/f
418. Are you easy to get along with? sometimes, I guess.
419. Are you helpful or lazy? lazy
420. Do you write in blue or black ink? black
421. Do you circle the dots on your I�s? no.
422. What is the most disgusting thing you have done? I have memories of eating my boogers when I was, like, 3....
423. Who do you look up to? not many ppl...
424. Did you watch Big Brother? no.
425. Why do birds suddenly appear everytime you are near? they don't....
426. Capital letters or lower case? lower
*427. Do you know anyone called Ethel? nope
428. What is your favourite colour? already been asked
429. What is your favourite sexual position? erin=virgin
430. Who are better cooks, men or women? I know men who can't cook, and I know women who can't cook... so gender really doesn't matter.
431. Have you ever eaten caterpillars? probably. I ate many bugs when I was lil.
432. Do you pluck your eyebrows? no
433. Do you think men should pluck their eyebrows? Fahad.
434. Do you think purple and yellow go together? yeah. they're opposites on the color wheel.
435. What year was America discovered? The Americas were discovered in 1492, but I think the place we now call America was discovered in 1493 or 5...
436. Who do you love? my friends *hugs them*
*437. Are you bisexual? why do you keep asking this?
438. If not, have you thought of sleeping with someone of the same sex? not outside of sleepovers, no...
439. Do you think reverse psycology works? sometimes
440. Are you a hypocrite? i try hard not to be
441. Would you die for any of your friends? yes.
442. Do you like Michael Jackson? hes an ok musician, and he's personally a freak.
443. Have you ever blocked someone on Instant Messanger? yes. I have 8 ppl blocked right now
444. Does size matter? no.
445. Would more money make your life better? yes. I like my life now, but I'd get me a better horn if I had money... which would make my audition life better
448. Do you like Italian food? yep
449. Make up your own question! Can you write 2 paragraphs tying legos into the subject of philosophy?
450. What is the most unusual thing you have eaten? escargot. yummy!
451. Do you like the name William? eh. I guess
452. Are feet ugly? no
453. Are your feet ugly? no, they're just fat.
454. How many emails do you get a day? a fair number. I'm glad for the spam filter on yahoo.
455. Do you think that big breasted women get more chances? yeah, but they have to be really open to it.... *knows that sounded really wrong*
*464. Are you PC? wha?
465. Are you a sex addict? I'm a virgin
466. Do you like Blink 182? I guess
467. Have you ever played Creatures? no
468. Do you like wrestling? I like real wrestling. real-life wrestling. THE MINJA WILL BE MINE!!
469. Is pornography wrong? I would be pissed if I caught my husband/boyfriend with porn.
470. Do you like to be colourful? yes
471. Ladies, do you like to wear thongs? owch.
472. If so why? >.< owchies
473. Boxers or Briefs? boxers, for guys anyway
474. Are ladies boxers attractive? theyre ok
475. What is the nicest colour for underwear? ...? white? does it matter?
476. Do you find it uncomfortable without a bra? somewhat
477. Do your bras fit properly? not at all. *feels squished*
478. Do you ever wear a vest? I am not Molly Mormon, thanks.
479. Men, do your boxers have 2 buttons? lol
480. Do you like tight boxers? why?
481. What is the ugliest part of a body? the erin part.
482. What is the colour of life? i dunno
483. Do you hate the sight of blood? no.
484. Blondes or Brunettes? ...
485. Flowers or chocolate? flowers
*486. Should balding men shave their heads? if they want. weber and patrick stewart look good shaved
487. Britney or Christina? Yuck.
488. Did you ever watch the Tellytubbies? lala!!
489. Have you ever stuffed your bra? yeah, but not for bigness.. i was sweaty, and put tp in my bra so my boobies wouldn't be soaked in sweat.. lol
490. Can you notice if someone has stuffed their bra? yes. I can also tell what they stuffed it with. My mom stuffed her bra when she was a teenager, she's told me all about that...
491. Do you rollerskate? not since I broke my leg doin it...
492. What is your star sign? virgo
493. Cellphone or pager? neither
495. If you could start a band and be guaranteed wild popularity, what would you name the band? Black Lint Caterpillars
496. Have you ever made a list of things you want to do before you die? no.
497. Are you gullible? somewhat
498. Have I told you lately that I love you? that's a good song
499. How tall are you? about 5'6"
500. Do you have any nicknames? yep
501. If so, what are they? 2nd Runner and sugah... hehe
502. Can you teach me how to dance real slow? no, but I can try
503. What is your favorite love song? I dunno, there's a bunch. Dan Fogelberg's "Longer Than" is good. So is "All I Ask Of You" from phantom of the opera.
504. Ladies - have you ever faked an orgasm? never had sex, but I've faked an orgasm before. I scared a whole bunch of ppl... lol... they said it was too convincing for a virgin.
505. Do you find any type of body hair attractive? no, but I'm not disgusted by it either. a total lack of hair disgusts me, tho... most of the guys I've liked have been at least a little hairy.
506. Have you ever purchased Simpsons stuff? no
507. Say it ain�t so! it ain't so!
508. How were you born? the normal way.
509. Do you think farting in public is disgusting? no. unless its an SBD (silent but deadly)
510. Do you watch a lot of music videos? no
511. What is the most attractive part of a person? eyes. then hands
512. Do you blow dry or towel dry your hair? towel.
513. Say my name... ...? my name?
514. Kinkest place you've had sex? FOR THE LAST TIME!! I AM A VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

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