Me, in 341 Questions or Less

1) Full Name: Erin Claire Mitchell
2) Name Backwards: llehctim erialc nire. the last name looks welsh backwards... and I can pronounce it too! hehehe
3) Were you named after anyone? nope. I'm meeeee!!
4) Does your name mean anything? Erin means peace and Ireland, depending on where you look it up, and Claire means clarity. only my middle name was from a song in the 80's that I've never heard... silly rents..
5) Nick Name(s): I was n�n� to my brother until recently... I like that name... I may save it for ages from now when I have grandkids or something, I think it's pretty. And recently, I've gotten 2 nicknames... 2nd Runner and "sugah." ::doesn't quite know what kind of face to make for the last one...::
6) Screen Name(s): ulica, gingerdvanilla (neither used anymore), and flameweldan. come school time, I'm going to get a different s/n.
7) Date Of Birth: september 6, 1985
8) Place of Birth: lewiston, maine
9) Hospital Born: CMMC. Central Maine Medical Center, I think is what it stands for.
10) Current Location: my grandmother's house
11) Sign: "Watch out for blind people!!" lol... virgo/aquarius. virgo=evil...
12) Religion: *takes a deep breath 'cause of the length* Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. aka: mormon.
13) Height: approximately 5'6"
14) Weight: don't know, don't care. more than 160, tho, if I were less than 160, I'd be quite slim, if I were 150, I'd be skinny. one of those funky BMI tests revealed that to me. go figure.
15) Shoe Size: 10. meaning that a lot of my shoes can be worn by my male friends. lol
16) Hair color: light brown, getting gold and a little copper-colored highlights in the summer. ^.^ I heart my hair!
17) Eye color: not really sure. a really light brown, almost hazel, 'cause both my parents have green eyes... and their rents have blue or green eyes... I'm the mutant in the family, lol.
18) What do you look like? *looks down* moon-faced, double chin, borderline c-d cup, ginormous ribcage, a roll, a feminine roll that even the skinny women in my family never get rid of (oh well...), thunder thighs, somewhat shapely, if largeish calves, ankles and big feet. and I have big eyes and big hair. lol.
19) Innie or Outie? innie
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidexterous? somewhat ambidextrous. can't write with the left, but can't do a huge amount of stuff with the right.
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? erin likes boys.

Who is your...

22) Best friend(s): *shrug* 'sika and q, I guess.
23) Best friend you trust more than anyone: my cat amy.
24) Friends {your sex}: 'sika, twy, j-fer, shayna, carla, claire, ms. tudor
25) Friends of the Opposite Sex: ned, q, kyle and tim (they're my cousins, but they still count), tyler, tyler, sean, brian, steven, matt mangialetti (i smack you if you talk smack 'bout him... he's got a big head, but that's not the worst thing that could happen to him..)
26) Best Bud(s): isn't this a repeat question??
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: *sigh* i wish.
28) Crush: eh. not really.
29) Parent(s): mum and dad. sherry and keith. loony and bastard. that pretty much covers it.
30) Worst Enemy: my rents. and my past.
31) Favorite on-line Guy: whaoo? as in, guy I've met online??
32) Favorite on-line Girl: see above... what kinda question is this?!
33) Funniest friend: mmm... a tie 'tween 'sika and q. even though ned may be able to give them both a run for their money.
34) Craziest friend: that'd be ned. crazy cellist... *shakes head* he's the one who sent me the link to
35) Advice friend: I dunno 'bout advice, but both 'sika and q have good shoulders.
6) Loudest friend: carla.
37) Person you cry with: 'sika, I think. maybe me. tho I don't like myself enough to call myself my own friend... lol

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters: no
39) Any brothers: the food stealer/orange fiend/sugar monster. Tadd.
40) Any pets: my fish. I call him Fish. *calls out* "hey, fish!" lol...the 2 girlcats, amy and roxanne. and strider, my lovely old irish wolfhound. i wanna have a farm and breed wolfhounds, them dogs are great...
41) A Disease: non-contagious skin diseases. acne and eczema. >.< hope the acne goes away when I get adultified.
42) A Pager: never.
43) A Personal phone line: i wish.
44) A Cell phone: I wish
45) A Lava lamp: getting something sorta like that for my b-day, right q??
46) A Pool or hot tub: why?
47) A Car: no.

Describe Your...

48) Personality: insane. moody. sensitive. in all fairness, I think I can be a decent friend, but I'd like to do better...
49) Driving: good for a beginner.
50) Car or one you want: a brand new honda accord. or a cobra. them things are sexy!!
51) Room: messy and full of fantasyrific paraphernalia.
52) Closet: sunday clothes, shoes, cookbooks, treasures.
53) School: vcu. yayness.
54) Bed: unmade. needing a cleaning. the matress is 40 years old and too long for the bed.
55) Relationship with your parent(s): *burns the questioner* they like manipulating me, and my mom in turn accuses me of manipulation. and that's just a tiny tip of the iceburg.

Do You...

56) Believe in yourself: do what in myself?!
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in lust at first sight
58) Consider yourself a good listener: yeah, if I'm well-rested, but I like talking too.
59) Consider yourself a good friend: sorta.
60) Get Along with your parents: when there's no drama. aka: rarely.
61) Save your e-mail conversations: if it's a really good one, or important
62) Pray: yeah.
63) Believe in reincarnation: naa...
64) Like to make fun of people: =evil!!
65) Like to talk on the phone: I prefer instant message, but i like that you can express emotion on the phone...
67) Like to drive: 'sok.
68) Get motion sickness: on long, winding, mountain roads. xP
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: why wouldn't I? it's broccoli too...
70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: why?
71) Dream in color: yeah. very vivid color.
72) Type with your fingers on home row: what?
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: yeah. lol... chin support. and cuddlyness. *loves my rabbit* so soft....

What Is/Are/Was...

74) Right next to you: a dressing screen that my nana uses for comp privacy. paranoid?? and a pile of video games
75) On the walls of your room: in va... a couple mary englebriet (i can't spell) calendar pictures... with fun/pretty pictures. a big, shiny blue butterfly in a glass display box. a litte calendar. small prints of pretty paintings. a moon-shaped box.
76) On your mouse pad: it's blue, and it looks like it has raindrops all over it.
77) Your dream car: cobra, I think
78) Your dream date: anything relaxing, and slow-paced. no pressure to go everywhere and do everything.... just be. peace is a very good thing.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: hilo, hawaii. the eastern french countryside. scotland.
80) Your dream husband/wife: *thinks* someone who is understanding and patient with my moodiness. preferably someone who needs a lot of emotional support as well, so I can feel needed. someone who likes my cooking. ^.^ someone who doesn't expect me to have 10 kids. x_x someone who likes to cuddle... who'll just hold me. I'm a romantic... lol... I like the idea of sharing body heat just by holding each other. as far as physical ideal... just not someone that's really fat... obese, you know? ew. or overly muscular. muscles intimidate me. I don't want to be scared of being squished by accident.
81) Your bedtime: whenever I get sleepy. 2 if I have work in the morning.
82) Under your bed: carpet. my bed has no place for underneathness
83) The single most important question: Are you sure?
84) Your bad time of the day: anything earlier than 8 am. *gets the look of a dead fish* <
85) Your worst fear(s): being completely wrong about something. being a burden. mediocrity.
86) The weather like? err... warm. cloudy
87) The time? 3:39 pm
88) The date? July 20, 2003
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: ... i don't do tricks.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: escargot! YUMMMMM!!! sushi. lol... anything fish related.. anything at all. I ate little fish whole once... they were fried. they were pretty good... nice and crunchy! I also like sausage. not weird? think about what goes into it...
91) Theme Song: that's a tough one. I like Kansas's "Dust In The Wind." for good moods, I like Engima's "Return to Innocence." And Celine Dion's "That's The Way It Is."
92) The hardest thing about growing up: losing friends that are really close to you. *snif*
93) Your funniest experience: probably 9th grade, doin that comedy routine w/ 'sika. kazooooooo!!! *sings* little bunny foo foo...
94) Your scariest moment: a certain day in the beginning of april... that I don't like talking about.
95) The silliest thing you've said: friend noodles.
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? uhh... I wanted to make him laugh so I stuck french fries up my nose...
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): n/a
98) The worst feeling in the world: being despised by people who used to truly love you, and knowing there's nothing you can do to obtain forgiveness.
99) the best feeling in the world: being loved. and hugs. never been kissed, but I imagine that it's spectacular...
100) The happiest moment of your life: right after playing Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony, 2nd movement. it was perfect... a lot of professionals couldn't do it like that. it was... indescribably amazing.
101) The saddest moment of your life: next question please.
102) The worst moment of your life? next good question, I mean...
103) The coolest experience in your life: Tchaik 5.
104) Your most humiliating experience: there's too many of them... I can't pick just one.
105) Your fondest memory of you and your friends: I dunno.
106) The dumbest thing you ever done: gave the dog some leftover chicken. >.< now the house stinks.
107) Your most precious memory: a hug.
108) The memory you miss the most: *shakes head* I'm still rather bitter... leave me alone...
109) A song that describes you: Let's see... in matters of love, I've generally followed the pattern of celine dion's "To Love You More." Life in general... Avril Lavigne's "Anything But Ordinary." She may be a weird pop diva person, but that song is great...
110) Something you identify with: o.O at 'sika's response. ummm... I dunno...
111) The most romantic thing a person has ever said to you: "You have really pretty eyes."
112) A place you want to go to (you've never been there): I wanna go to japan too...
113) Your hobby(s): writing, music, gaming, art. cooking! yummy! *munch*
114) Something you do in your spare time: web design
115) A skill or talent of yours: music, I guess. rather obvious, tho, isn't it? I wish I knew of more talents I had... v.v
116) The strangest thing to happen in a chat room: we all started telling this one dude to go fuck himself... 'cause he said he was bored. and he was so bored he fucked himself to death. in the chat room. lol... it was interesting.
117) The thing you want to be remembered for: being a true friend
118) The last four digits in your phone number: 1767
119) You doing tonight: waiting for ppl to log on. making dollz. workin on this here webpage.
120) The thing you actually want to be doing right now: chatting. and singing.
121) The thing You're Picked on Most About: *shrug* I get picked on about a lot of stuff. the fact that I'm extremely manipulative is probably near the top of the list there... and the fact that I have no brains whatsoever and can't tell a decent male from an abusive one. *poison darts of sarcasm fly from tongue*
122) The first thing you thought of this morning: eek! only half an hour to get ready!!
123) A dream that left you in a cold sweat: I dreamed I had to eat this evil spider's eggs, and it made me sick, and I thought for sure I was going to die. sounds lame, but it was scary.

What is Your Favorite...

124) Name: *shrug* I dunno.
125) Boys Name: James. And if I have a son, his middle name will be Alan or Allen. It's a family thing. *shrug*
126) Girls Name: Dustine and Una.
127) Animal: anything catlike.
128) Color: dark green. I like white, too, and calm shades of blue.
129) Number: 21
130) Vacation Spot: Hawaii. Scotland. France. lol...
131) Place to Shop: wal-mart or dollar tree.
132) Thing to do on the weekends: chat, sleep
133) Thing to do during the Summer: sleep, goof off
134) Thing to do during the Winter: play in the snow if there's snow, complain about the lack of it if there isn't. hot chocolate and curling up by the fire is nice too.
135) Thing to do at night: chat... sleep...
136) Thing to do during the day: i like anything creative
137) Days of the week: wednesday, friday, saturday.
138) Month of the year: April-June. july, too, if it's not hot. any winter month if it's snowy.
139) Time of Year: snow time.
140) Season: winter.
141) Holiday: Christmas
142) Sport: archery
143) Non-sport activity: onlineness. being w/ friends
144) School Subject: music. duh! I have 8 music classes this semester!!
145) Conversation Topic: writing stuff or video games... or emotional topics if there's progress.. not just wallowing.
146) Type Of Music: electronic, classical, rock/pop... like celine and faith hill.
147) Radio Station: whatever
148) Song: *shrug* if I can sing to it, it's good.
149) Concert you've been to: Canadian Brass... omg, the french horn player was *hot* ... *swoons*
150) Singer: Celine Dion, Faith Hill, you know, pretty much anything I can sing to
151) Music Artist: Enigma. Amethystium
152) Group: see above
153) Type of Movie: comedy, action, sci-fi/fantasy
154) Movie: Contact, Signs
155) Sound Track: LOTR
156) Adam Sandler Flick: n/a
157) Actors: Pierce Brosnan.. or whatever his last name is. he's a good actor, and he's not one of those actors that hasn't experienced human grief.
158) Actresses: I dunno
159) Person: dunno
160) Designer or Brand: Yessica! lol...
161) Flower: sweet pea, aster, rose, carnation, passion flower
162) TV Show: Magnum PI! lol... Looney Toons! STAR TREK! YAAY!
163) Cartoon: *shrug*
164) Commercial: I like the goldfish jingle. and I like the one where the girl takes an egg and a fry pan and says of the egg "this is your brain" and of the pan "this is heroin." and she smashes the egg with the fry pan... and then proceeds to go berserk wrecking the rest of the kitchen "AND THIS IS YOUR FAMILY! YOUR FRIENDS! YOUR EDUCATION! YOUR FUTURE!! YOUR MONEY!!" etc... and then when everything's destroyed, she turns back and is like "^^ any questions?"
165) Channel: whatever.
166) Board Game: aggravation. sorry.
167) Childhood Toy: barbies?
168) Toy Weapon: sticks.
169) Soft Drink: The Switch!! YUM! get it a Ukrops!!
170) Drink: water.
171) Flavor of Snapple: pink lemonade
172) Food: anything asian. Yamato's rice, my noodles, my dad's sweet and sour pork, Red House's egg rolls and triple delight! yummy!
173) Place to Eat: Yamato. rice and sushi!!
174) Ice cream Flavor: Caramel crunch
175) Gum: sugarless mint.
176) Candy: CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
177) Toothpaste: *shrug* i use aquafresh whitening...
178) Soap: dial... or dove... 'cept dove smells girly. >.<
179) Shampoo: V05 scented/flavored *winks at q* pantene pro-v, or herbal essences. the green kind.
180) Salad Dressing: blue cheese? I like wendy's southwestern caesar.. and oriental sesame. sorry... I work there.. I get discounts so I eat the stuff... lol
181) Smell: a good-smelling person. my "sky-scented" candles.
182) Perfume or Cologne: Eau Future. it's a random french teeny bopper kind of perfume. it's blue. lol...
183) Website:!! or maybe
184) People to talk to online: q, ned, steven, 'sika, shayna
185) Word: yay!
186) Quote: that noise ed made when she was running away.
187) Thing: lip balm.
188) Inside Joke: spoon/butter.
189) Quality in a friend: that's tough... umm... trust.
190) Computer Font: arial, I guess.
191) Body part on/in you: my hair. and my fang.
192) Body part on members of the preferred sex: hands, eyes, feet... and.. well...
193) Things to wear to school: clothes.
194) Things to sleep in: tanks and sweats. or nothing. nothing is comfy too.
195) Piece of Jewelry: my class ring, I guess

196) If you had one wish what would it be? NO DRAMA!!

197) If you could change your name, what would it be? felira. but I like erin

198) If there would be one thing about yourself that you could change, what would it be? more trustworthy. no one trusts me!!! ToT

199) If you could turn into any animal, real or imaginary, what would it be? a tiger. or a dragon.

200) If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? listen to ppl and see what they really thought about me.

201) If a movie was made about your life what would it be called? something involving drama...

202) If this Saturday, you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you do? lol... I'd get myself up in the chicago symphony... you said anything!! lol... realistically, tho, i'd go out w/ friends

203) If you could take back one thing you did...what would it be? do I need to answer this??

204) If you had a round-trip ride in any time machine, where would you want to go? back to the middle ages... and steal a bunch of clothes from the noblewomen... lol...

205) If you could have any occupation when you are older what would it be and why? writer or musician. 'cause I like doing that stuff.

206) If you could meet one person in this world, who would it be? a soulmate?

207) If you could do anything to the person you hated most, what would it be? smack them and tell them how f-ing stupid they've been...

208) If you were to kill someone, which method would you use? slit the jugular. something quick. torture is bad.

209) If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be? a dragon, maybe, or a fairy. shoulder or upper back, 'cause everywhere else is bound to expand/contract at some point in my life...

210) If you were dying in a week.... What would you do? cry.

211) If you could go anywhere in the world it would be? france

212) If you were stranded on an island who would you want to be with? q or 'sika, I think. or both. and if they were both there, cory, too. gotta make it a nice happy group.

213) If you won $1,500,000 what would you do with it? farm, menagerie, new french horn, good computer. invest whatever's left over.

214) If you were in a theater and someone was crying would you laugh? why?

215) If you were a crayon color what would you be? magic mint. you know they're trying to get rid of that color?!

Which is Worse...

a)Sitting on a wet toilet seat
b)Finding out there's no toilet paper mid-dump
Answer: b...

a)Kissing someone who just threw up
b)Kissing someone who just ate Taco Bell
Answer: a...

a)Finding a roach in your food
b)Finding rat poop in your food
Answer: b

a)Farting in front of your crush
b)Farting in front of your favorite celebrity
Answer: b

a)You don't know how to sing
b)You don't know how to dance
Answer: a. b, I can and do live with

a)Throwing up once
b)Having a bad cold for a week
Answer: a. for me, a is an indication that something worse is on the way. *hates acid reflux disorder...*

a)Biting a rotten apple
b)Chunky milk
Answer: b

a)Watching reruns of FULL HOUSE
b)Watching reruns of GILLIGAN'S ISLAND
Answer: a. gilligan's island is funny...

What Do You Think Of, When You Think Of...

224) Red: rose
225) Whip Cream: frozen, it's delicious!!
226) Pickles: yum!
227) Strawberries: shortcake
228) The Opposite Sex: *goes in every direction at once* (not boy-crazy, just too many emotions at once to put down)
229) Money: more!
230) Tight pants on the opposite sex: ew.
231) Ice Cream: yum!
232) Thunderstorms: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
233) Ouija Boards: *hiss* SATAN!!!
234) U.S. Military: whatever floats your boat.
235) True Love: *snif* please?
236) Chain Letters: trash can

Which is better...

237) Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
238) Vanilla or Chocolate? CHOCOLATE!!!
239) Croutons or Bacon bits? bacon, as long as it's not burnt.
240) Red or Blue? blue
241) Light or Dark? depends
242) Day or Night? night
243) Cold or Hot? cold
244) Summer or Winter? winter
245) New or Old? depends. goodwill rules, old computers suck.
246) The Way It Is or the Way It Was? neither. the way it will be.
247) Half Empty or Half Full? depends on whether you're drinking it or filling it up.
248) Boys or Girls? .... i like boys.
249) Shoes or Sandals? barefoot
250) Wider or Not? what?
251) Shampoo and Conditioner or just Conditioner? shampoo and conditioner, in seperate bottles
252) Going for a walk or watching TV? walk, if there's someone to walk with
253) Short or Tall? tall.
254) Big or Little? big
255) Teenie or Weenie? *giggles*
256) Mud wrestling, or Jell-o wrestling? jello is nasty... I'd be scared I'd get some in my mouth, yucky! mud all the way
257) In a car, Air Conditioning or Open Windows? if there's ice cream involved, a/c. if not, window.
258) Drinks with or without ice cubes? without
259) One Pillow, Two or Three? 2... I flatten them really quick. v.v
260) Girls, with or without nail polish? with
261) Boys, with or without hats? either works just fine... but bandanas are very sexy!!
262) Coffee or Hot chocolate? coffee-flavored hot chocolate.
263) Lace or Satin? depends
264) Here or There? there
265) Backstreet Boys Or N*Sync: BSB makes me cry if I listen to a bunch of songs in a row... and N*Sync just sucks.
266) Dawson's Creek or Party of Five? double ew.
267) Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt? triple ew.
268) Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? tom... I guess... even though they're both bastards...
269) Old Maddona or New Madonna? how about we just kill her and say new!!
270) Vogue or Material girl? whaoo?
271) Jeans or Cords? jeans
272) Jocks or Nerds? NERDS!!
273) Stripes or Solids? solids
274) Skirt or Dress? skirt
275) Wool or Cotton? wool=itchy. i'd go for cotton
276) Rose or Lilly? both!
277) Private school or Public school? public. it's cheaper.
278) Chocolate Milk or Plain Milk? plain.
279) History or Science? science.
280) Ferenheit or Celsius? Kelvin! lol.. F.
281) Oldies or Pop? oldies
282) Pierce your nose or tongue? ew!
283) Be serious or be funny? both
284) Boxers or briefs? boxers.
285) Whole or skim milk? whole is paint. skim is chalk water. I prefer paint. in a tin cup.
286) Single or taken? well, if I like a guy, I should hope we're both single... and interested.
287) Simple or complicated? simple
288) Law or anarchy? law
289) Flowers or angels? both
290) Grey or gray? grey is a name. gray is a color.
291) Read or write? both
292) Color or black-and-white photos? color
293) Sunrise or sunset? sunset
294) M&M's or Skittles? reese's pieces
295) Rap or rock? rock
296) Stay up late or wake up late? both
297) TV or Radio? neither
298) Is it POP or SODA? soda
299) X or O in Tic-tac-toe? x
300) Leather purse or knit purse? knit.
301) Eat an apple or an orange? depends. oranged more often
302) What came first the chicken or the egg? chicken. how can the egg come first? it needs to be kept warm by something in order to hatch...
303) Light or dark nail polish? light
304) Tall members of the opposite sex or short? at least an inch taller.
305) Sun or moon? moon
306) Emerald or ruby? emerald
307) Pants or long skirt? skirt
308) Left or right? yes
309) 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend
310) Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? vanilla with chocolate and caramel sauce.
311) High or Drunk? no.
312) Low fat or fat free? fat free. i can live.
313) What is your biggest fear in the world? being completely hatable
314) Silver jewelry or gold jewelry? silver
315) Kids or no kids? 2 to 4. no more than 4. the 4th would be an accident.. lol
316) Cat or dog? mew!
317) Half empty or half full? WTF?! I KNOW I already answered this...
318) Mustard or ketchup? mayo, ketchup, 4 pickles, 4 onion slices, a tomato slice, piece of lettuce, meat, cheese, mustard, bun, done! hehehehe...
319) Hard cover books or soft cover books? hard
320) Newspaper or magazine? zine
321) Sandals or sneakers? *rolls eyes* barefoot. if I have to choose... sandals
322) Wonder or amazement? amazement
323) Red car or white car? red
324) Singing or dancing? singing
325) Hugging or Kissing? both
326) Happy or sad? I'd rather be happy, I dunno bout you...
327) Purple or green? green

Which One Would You Rather Be...

328) Dog or Cat: mew!!!
329) Male or Female: female... 'cept when I got cramps... then I really would love to be male...
330) Blue or Purple: blue
331) Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla is versatile
332) Toe or Finger: Shining Finger!!!!
333) Ear or Eye: eye
334) Blind or Deaf: blind
335) Pen or pencil: pen
336) Shoe or Socks: socks
337) Dancer or singer: singer
338) Plumber or trash man: trash.
339) Overly rich and not happy or overly happy and poor: poor and happy
340) Tall or short: tall
341) Skinny or Fat: I'm fat, but skinny is just as bad. I'd rather stay as I am.

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