The Ocean Grove

Each fleeting thought of conciousness
With my heart carved in Wood
Beats deeper now into my veins
Asks to be understood

Each leaf that flutters to Earth's skin
Each hair that leaves my head
Though left neglected on the floor
Will soon rise from the dead

An ocean breeze with salty noise
The hard sand flecked with foam
The peace and chaos fill the waves
I wish it for my home

The house reeks of hypocrisy
Confused and rotting flow'rs
Beasts fight for Silver Mud and for
Imaginary pow'rs

A white carnation tipped with red
Rests in a violet vase
The sunlight Immortality
The cool pure water Grace

An endless field of wheat and grass
The quiet pouring rain
Brings water to the Ocean Grove
And with it ends all pain

In Ocean Grove near fountain deep
With water diamond clear
A Dragon and a Tiger drink
Grow younger every year

They move aside for me to drink
A gentle loving move
The Water is for everyone
Tonight I shall improve

Though bitter Water comes to me
I drink its stinging stem
For this is what I've always been
And this is what I am

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