Perfect Dark Gameshark Codes
All of these codes I have verified myself, using gameshark v3.30 and the first released version of Perfect Dark. All codes are for solo and co-op in High Res. And, in order to use these codes, you must first activate the Zelda keycode with another game cartridge.
--NOTE- If any of these codes mess up your Shark or game cartridge, it's not my fault! You've been warned!--

Must Be On - high res

FF1EAE00 0000

Infinite Ammo - right gun

80206EFA 00FF
801D4EFB 00FF

- for the left gun

8020769F 00FF
801EE69F 00FF
801D569F 00FF

Press B for Moon Jump (NEED TO BE IN AIR!)

D009C7E4 0040
81206720 40F2
D009C7E4 0040
802066D3 0000
D009C7E4 0040
811ED720 40F2
D009C7E4 0040
801ED6D3 0000
D009C7E4 0040
811D4720 40F2
D009C7E4 0040
801D46D3 0000

Take guns out of firing range

802C92C4 0020

No Hands

800702DF 0000

X-Ray vision while aiming

802C6D6B 0001

All Stars on Co-op

50000602 0000
810A22A0 FFFF

All codes above come from the link I provide on this page.

oOo,-,oOo The spider has spoken...
Perfect Dark Codes
Return to my website index. Now, you cheater. Go. What are you waiting for? Go!
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