YOU ARE HERE: flamewarrior's fanfic resources --> Icons (last updated 1st May, 2006)

HP fan-related icons by flamewarrior

These icons are freely available for you to take and use, but I ask the following: do not hotlink; do credit me as the creator (flame or flamewarrior). Enjoy!

Slytherin house icons
These icons were made from a base image which I modified, taken from the logo of Skye Serpentarium. If you like these icons and/or you like snakes, please make a donation to them! They do great work.


Goblet of Fire (film-inspired)
These icons were inspired by stills from the film of Goblet of Fire. The wording doesn't always relate to the context the image came from. They are shown in order of raciness, starting with the tame and working up.


I'm not a Pansy/Ginny shipper, but a certain clothes retailer keeps using models for their promotional pictures who just beg to be turned into Pansy/Ginny icons...


Half-Blood Prince (book-inspired)
Only one of these so far: Jeremy Dufour as Draco.

That's all for now. Maybe more will appear at a future date.

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