Summary                                                                                   (This is REALLY condensed considering the length of the entire series)

Usagi Tsukino was an ordinary junior-high student in Japan, living the life of an ordinary teenage girl, that is, until a talking black cat named Luna informed her of her destiny...

So starts this ultra-long, ultra-great series that keeps fans coming back for more. Along the way, Usagi, now Sailor Moon, meets new friends (all of the sailor senshi) and enemies (the endless supply of monsters!). Once assembled, the sailor senshi, or sailor soldiers, fight for the peace of the planet; and for love and justice too.


What I like about this series:

I love the character development and interaction in each and every episode of Sailor Moon! Each of the characters has a complete set of attributes that makes them very well rounded, and could probably be someone in real life! The way each character interacts with each other (for example, Usagi and Rei) makes for very humorous situations.

I also like the great visuals. Sure, some people out there might really hate watching the transformation and attack sequences that play every single episode, but I enjoy the ultra cool effects and music (think of the violin music when the outer senshi transform!). The animation quality is pretty up there too, especially for some of the later episodes in the Sailor Stars season. The character designs are also top notch, don't you agree?

There is a lot more that I like about this series, but then I'd have to ramble on for another few more paragraphs :-). So! On to...


What I don't like about this series:

There is not much to be said in this section...but one of the things I don't like about this series relates only to the English dubbed version. I think most of the voices are ok at this point, (the SuperS season running currently on Cartoon Network) but I still can't stand the "Americanized" changes made to an already perfect show. For example, I believe that all of the original Japanese names should have been left alone, as well as the already English named attacks for each of the sailors. The constant cut scenes really get on my nerves too. And what's this about Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune being "cousins?" Give me a break!

The way Usagi  constantly cries in all the depressing parts (and does nothing about it!) is not a strong point of the series, but it is tolerable after a while.

Ok ok...the "Monster of the Day" thing gets to me too. It's really repetitive, very predictable, and makes an otherwise great story beat around the bush. Actually, most "Magical girl" shows end up like this, ne?

The Ami Rating :Hehe, so I'm a little biased. :-)

This is a GREAT series for any fan of anime! And if you know someone not into anime just yet, this is a great show to introduce them to all the wonders of the genre. I highly suggest watching the original Japanese version, (Subtitled Movies and Fansubs are available) though the dubbed version isn't all that bad (I guess). So, if you aren't already watching Sailor Moon, WATCH IT NOW!!! Don't worry about being lost if you watch an episode out of place, you can jump right in with this series!



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