
Himura Kenshin, also known as the Hitokiri Battosai, has the reputation of the most dangerous man in Japan. But you wouldn't know from the looks of the short and slight rurouni (wanderer) with long red hair and the word "Oro" coming out of his mouth!

Rurouni Kenshin tells the story of the manslayer turned gentle wanderer for 28 volumes of manga and for over 90 anime episodes. Kenshin meets new allies, friends, and old enemies from his dark and mysterious past over the course of the story. Most of the enemies are just as interesting as Kenshin himself! Also, there's this itty bitty thing between Kenshin and Kaoru I sure you know about... 


What I like about this series:

EVERYTHING!!!!! I just love this series, and is quickly becoming my favorite series (dunno about Sailor Moon there now...). Perhaps I'll make a new webpage here?

Well, *AHEM* since I like Rurouni Kenshin so much, I'll just go with a list of things here:

1. The character designs are just beautiful! Kenshin is very enjoyable to watch because of this one aspect.

2. The story is a compelling one, and it makes you want to watch (or read) more and more! (believe me, Rurouni Kenshin keeps me *glued* to the screen!)

3. Character interaction! This series is all about its characters and I love the development and interaction among its characters. Watch Kaoru and Sano super punch Yahiko outta Japan! Whoooo!

4. Last but not least, the little things, such as Kenshin's "Oro" sound, how each of the characters is somehow attributed to an animal (Megumi's fox ears!) and how perfectly the humor is mixed in with a mostly serious story. 

Kaoru: Kenshiiin! I'm sooo glad you're safe! Kenshin: Oro?!


5. Kenshin and Kaoru! (I think that's all I have to say)

6. The manga! It's as good as and even better than the anime! If you can get a hold of it, you won't be sorry. ^_^ 

7. Now that we're talking about manga....Enishi! Enishi! Enishi!


What I don't like about this series:

Well, the only things in this section would be little insignificant things...but here we go!

Those filler episodes. Yes *those* episodes. The ones where nothing seems to happen and you seem to have wasted your time. They get on my nerves a bit, but then it's Rurouni Kenshin, so it's ok! ^_^x

Not enough animated there, huh? Too bad the whole series didn't get animated. I believe the last part is the best part! Oh well....

Is it just me, or is Kaoru's kimono a bit hard on the eyes? (anime only. It's so... yellow.) Also, Kenshin's outfit. Why'd they have to make it pinkish magenta? How about straight red? I think he looks especially cool in blue. (Check out some colored manga to see what I mean.)  

Kenshin's womanly voice. Even though you get used to it after a while, it still bothers me a bit.

Sanosuke and Megumi! Will they ever get together? Who knows...

The Ami Rating: Watch it and smile de gozaru!

I HIGHLY recommend watching this anime or reading the manga. The story is awesome, the characters grow on you, and, you get the picture. For some reason, it has a sort of addictive quality for me, so we'll see what happens with that ( a new site?) hmmm. This is one of the perfect anime to start the newcomer on especially since it appeals to everyone! Swords! Oro! Sanosuke! And Kaoru, a girl that can kick anyone's butt any day!

Hahahahaha!! I'm laughing so much, I think I'm gonna cry![Sanosuke, Kenshin, Kaoru: Bwahahaha!! It's soooo funny!!!

Yahiko: Oh, shut up.



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