
This 26-episode series along with the movies, "Death," "Rebirth," and "The End of Evangelion," deal with matters of the origin of human existence, the mysteries of God, and the analysis of the human psyche. Sound complicated? It sure is.

Shinji Ikari is the main protagonist of the show, the "Third Child" to be found to pilot the EVA-01, a mecha too human-like to call merely a robot. Along with his fellow pilots Asuka Langley Soryu and Rei Ayanami, they fight in the EVA's to defend mankind's current existence from really big monsters known as the "Angels." Why are they called "Angels" if they don't help mankind? That's a mystery you're gonna have to find out on your own. :-)


What I like about this series:

All of the religious overtones wouldn't make sense unless you have knowledge of Christian symbols and tradition. Fortunately, I am one, so watching this anime opens up lots of interesting things I never thought about before. Even if you aren't Christian, watching an anime that questions the existence of the human race is great "thinking" material.

Also, as with all the anime I like, there is great character development and interaction. These people aren't perfect, (this applies to ALL of the characters in the series)  they all have problems, and this fact makes for characters we can relate to. Even though most of the series is riddled with angst, the humorous moments make up for all the depressing stuff.


What I don't like about this series:

Evangelion is VERY very confusing unless you: 1.) Watch all the episodes in the right order, 2.) Keep your eyes glued to the screen, (Don't do anything else!) 3.) Know outside information about Christian symbolism, and 4.) Talk to friends about it or search the net!

Don't get me wrong, it's not so confusing that if you don't do the things above, it'll totally destroy the experience, it's just that it will help your understanding of this great anime immensely. I wish that those great people at Gainax cleared things up with a supplement of some kind for those people not "thinking inclined."

One more thing, (don't take this like I hate this series, I love it!) I really didn't like how NOTHING was really resolved about all the mysteries and questions going on in the series. All of the mysteries presented were really interesting, and I think the way Gainax left the audience hanging in "The End of Evangelion" just didn't make much sense.

The Ami Rating (Overall) : *smile* I like it!

PLUS (for the TV series)*NANI?!?*

For End of Evangelion:*WHOA!**HUH?!**WHAT?!**WHY?!*(Yes, I thought it was THAT weird!)

This series wouldn't be so popular without a reason, right? This is not your usual slapstick humor anime series. You have to think about it! (What a concept!) It is quite confusing, but the content, the characters, and the ability to talk to your friends about it make watching this series worth it. If you want to introduce the more serious person to anime, Evangelion would be your best bet. Don't go looking around for lots of super-deformed madness here!



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