another good looking talented guy..yum..
Dee and I again...
This guy is great... and I luv his look 2...
There is the Jay dude again to the right.. and to the is... I forgot his name..but I'll look it up and find it out in a bit... besides..all you need to know about he's talented and good looking.. Although I have never spoke to him...
Dee and Jay
Adam's bum... good stuff.
Tyarra, Jay, and Danyell
what a night...
new memories....
good tunes...
cool people..
to the left is Adam and Brain to the right is Brain's head and my hands..
Adam good singer.. talented...
good looking...
Dee and Danyell...
I think this is the best pic I took of Adam...
I think Adam really is from heaven..look he's glowing...
Adam is really a fallen angel... look at his light..
Drummers... eek... they are just all good looking...
Adam...Stay away from the light...
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