3 Card Trick 

EFFECT: You take a deck of cards and have fan them. The specatator selects any card (no force!). They put it back and you cut the deck. You tell them that their card will be the third one. So you begin to put cards down..."3"..."2"..."1" and on 1 their card is it.   I

ITEMS NEEDED FOR TRICK: a normal deck of cards, it is better if you are at a table  

SECRET SETUP AND PREFORMANCE: Take the 3 of diamonds and place it face up on the top of the pack of cards. Now place one card face down on top of the 3. (Don't let anyone see the face up 3 of diamonds) Ask a spectator to take any card look at it and remember it and place it on top of the deck of cards. Now cut the pack of cards and say to the spectator "Your card will now turn over" Now look through the pack of cards (face down) until you find the 3 of diamonds. When you get to this card take the cards that are on top of the 3 and put them under the pack. Ask the spectator if the 3 of diamonds is his card (he will say no). Tell him that you are going to count to 3. Put the 3 onto a table and say "3" put the bottom card of the pack onto the table and say "2" and put the bottom card face up on the table and say "1" and this will be his card.
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