Deceased Cast
The Master
The leader of Vampires, trapped in the Hellmouth. The main villain of Season One, the Master ha benn trying to escpape. Buffy went to his lair and the Master killed her, but Xander brought Buffy back to like with CPR. Buffy went and killed the Master. The Master was almost ressurected but Buffy smashed his bones.
Episodes: Welcome to the Hellmouth; The Harvest; Never Kill a Boy on the First Date; Angel; Nightmares; Prophecy Girl; The Wish; Lessons.

Colin, the Anointed One
Colin was killed on a bus by vampires. He became the Anointed One. He helped and advised the Master, and he led Buffy down to the Master. Colin was killed by Spike in School Hard.

Episodes: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date; Angel; Nightmares; Prophecy Girl; When She Was Bad; School Hard.

Jenny Calendar
Jenny was an undercover gypsy sent to watch over Buffy and Angel. She fell in love with Giles and was a teacher at Sunnydale High. When Angel lost his soul, Jenny found a way to restore it. Unfortunatly, Angelus killed Jenny before she could tell anyone in Passion.
Episodes: I Robot, You Jane; Prophecy Girl; When She Was Bad; Some Assembly Required; School Hard; Lie To Me, The Dark Age; Ted; Surprise; Innocence; Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered; Passion; Becoming Part 2; Amends.

Kendra the Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Slayer sent after Buffy's breif death. She came to Sunnydale and became friends with Giles and eventually Buffy. Kendra didn't last long, as her throat was slit be Drusilla.
Episodes: What's My Line Part 1; What's My Line Part 2; Becoming Part 1.

Mr. Trick
Mr. Trick came to Sunnydale helping Kakistos, but after Kakistos was killed he went and helped the Mayor instead. He was head of Security until Faith staked him.

Richard Wilkins III
The big bad of Buffy season 3, Richard Wilkins III was the Mayor, over a hundred years old. He hired Mr. Trick and became invincable. After Faith killed Mr. Trick, Faith went and worked for the Mayor. After sending Faith into a coma, Buffy and the gang killed the Mayor when he turned into a giant snake at Graduation Day by blowing him up.
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