Join me on a new voyage of the mind. A little tale I like to call: Buffy, Slayer of the Vampyrs.
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Hey welcome to my site! Since its so new it will be a while before everything is up. My site is mainly Buffy the Vampire Slayer and  maybe later Angel stuff. Click the episode guides for goofs, ratings, trivia, occurences, and more. More to come soon.
Oh, come on, stake through the heart, a little sunlight... It's like falling off a log.
'Welcome to the Hellmouth'
If you see any wrong information or left something out, please email me at [email protected].
12-18- Cordelia Chase summary. Removed Fanlistings. Yeah. It's not dead. Just distracted.

8-03- Buffy vs. Dracula summary up. Also realized I didn't label the Updates Sorry if there was confusion.

7-07- Two episode summaries: Storyteller and Once More, With Feeling. Ok, ok, I just forgot to put a link up for Storyteller like weeks ago. So they are both up now.

6-30- The Killer in Me summary.

6-28- I Only Have Eyes For You summary.

6-22- Fanlistings up.

6-07- Ted, Bad Eggs, Surprise, Innocence, Phases, and Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered promos.

6-05- Older and Far Away summary.

5-23- The Zeppo summary.
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