The Dransikian Life

This is one of the sections that falls under the heading of "new content". Read on to discover my opinions of recent Dransikian events and all the information that I deem inportant about the game. ;)
Dransik For Dummies
Spell Sheet For The Magically Inept
Leveling Up For Noobs
Etiquette For Idiots

Dransik For Dummies
So, you're wondering what the heck this Dransik thing is eh? It's a totally addicting Masive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game. Most of my family plays it and if we could, we'd play it 24/7. Only downside is that it's PtP (Pay to Play). There are 4 regular servers and a test server to play on and you can make 4 characters per server. You can chose from 3 different races and build your character's stats to suit the way you want to play. Check it out at
Spell Sheet For The Magically Inept
Mind Spells
Spell Name Runes Description
Mind Sight Mind Shows all of the creatures on the screen
Mind Field Mind + Good +40 MR to Good characters, +20 MR to Neutral characters
Runesight Mind + Neutral Shows the mage skills of the target
Recharge Mind + Restoration Recharges select mgic items
Clairvoyance Mind + Distance Shows distant areas
Brain Freeze Mind + Harm Damages target for (INT x 1.5) + 2
Brilliance Mind + Distance + Neutral +10 INT for ((Skill + 5) x 6) seconds
Mind Blast Mind + Distance + Harm Damages target for (INT x 1.6) + 4

Body Spells
Spell Name Runes Description
Transmute Body Turns items into gold
Healing Body + Good Heals for ((INT x 1.5) + 1-10) over a range of 1
Repair Body + Restoration Repairs magical iron items
Might Body + Distance +10 STR for ((Skill + 5) x 6) seconds
Starve Body + Evil -((INT / 6) + 1) to target's appetite
Remedy Body + Good + Distance Heals target for ((INT x 2) + 1-10)
Nourish Body + Distance + Restoration ((INT / 10) + 3) to target's appetite
Weakness Body + Evil + Distance -10 CON for ((Skill + 5) x 6) seconds
Mage Strike Body + Distance + Harm Damages target for (INT - 4 x (1.8-2.2))

Soul Spells
Spell Name Runes Description
Refresh Soul +30 stamina to target
Fortify Soul + Distance +10 AC to target for ((Skill + 5) x 6) seconds
Restore Soul + Restoration Repairs magical leather and cloth items
Misery Soul + Harm -((INT / 3) +4) to target's stamina
Vitality Soul + Good + Distance +10 CON for ((Skill + 5) x 6) seconds
Leech Soul + Evil + Distance + Harm Damages target for (INT x 1.5), Heals caster for (INT x 1.5)

Nature Spells
Spell Name Runes Description
Bless Fields Nature Decreases harvest times for crops
Alacrity Nature + Distance +10 DEX for ((Skill + 5) x 6) seconds
Cure Nature + Good Cures target of oison and disease
Ignite Nature + Neutral Creates a magic cooking flame
Renew Nature + Restoration Repairs magical wooden items
Thunder Strike Nature + Distance + Harm Damages target for (INT x (2.0-2.5)

Leveling Up For Noobs
Everyone has their own idea of the best way to get your level your character up quickly, here's my opinion on the matter. First, an explanation on the 4 types of stats.
Strength (STR)-This one is a no duh, it determines how hard your character's physical attacks hit.
Dexterity (DEX)-This determines how quickly your character executes their physical attacks and how well you perform craft skills.
Intelligence (INT)-This determines how effective your use of magic is.
Constitution (CON)-This helps determine your hit points and how well you defend against enemy attacks.
Now, the type of character you want determines how you want to develop your stats. You get two orbs per level to spend on your stats. Most people don't understand the purpose of Dexterity, but I'm big on its use. IT helps ou develop speed and accuracy with your weapon while at the same time boosting the success and experience gained by craft skills. Dexterity is the basis of my leveling system.
Fighter-Starting as a fighter is tough; even the little weenie creatures like bats and snakes can easily kill you because they tend to show up in large numbers. You can put all your orbs on strength, but you'll still hit slowly and at first, speed is everything. The best idea is not to fight until you've gained a few more levels. In the meantime, start farming. It lets you level up more quickly because planting and foraging give more experience then fighting at first and because you hit slowly, you'll gain that experience faster. Farming is also a great way to earn money at first and it guarantees you'll always have food. If you're going to start your character as a human, pick carpentry/lumberjacking instead because there's no farmland in the human start town. If you create your character as a craftsman, you start out with the tools of the craft and a dagger. You can buy another weapon with the money you gain if you wish. That brings us to orb configurations. start your character with STR=5, DEX=12, INT=5, and CON=5. As you level, put all your orbs on DEX until you reach 15-20. After that, split your orbs on STR and CON until they both reach 20. Then, every other level, put both orbs on STR and every other split them between STR and CON. Leave INT at 5 unless you plan on doing some magic. I recommend slowly increasing your INT to 10 so you can heal and do basic spells in a pinch, but INT isn't very inportant for a fighter.
Mage-I said starting as a fighter was tough, but starting as a mage is even tougher. There isn't really a good way to get experience because you can only do one or maybe two spells to start and they aren't good enough to keep you alive or gain exp. My advice, start the same way that I recomend a fighter starts, as a craftsman. If you haven't yet, read the section on fighters for the reasons why. Now, with the money you gain from your craft, buy yourself a Mage Staff and some runes, eventually you'll progres to a Wizard Staff and a then a Staff of Power. Check the
spell sheet for the rune combinations you want. So, start your orbs at STR=5, DEX=12, INT=5, and CON=5. Get your DEX to 15-20. Then, spend all your orbs on INT until you get to 20. After that, split your orbs on STR and CON until they hit 10; then on DEX and CON for the next 10 levels. That puts your orbs at STR=10, DEX=25-30, INT=20, and CON=20. Spend the orbs for every other level on INT and split them every other level on INT and DEX until DEX is about 35-40. Then spend them all on INT with the occaisional orb on CON to raise your hit points and defense abilities.
Cleric-Clerics combine decent fighting abilities with decent mage skills. Start as a craftsman as mentioned in the fighter section and with orbs of STR=5, DEX=12, INT=5, and CON=5. Build your DEX up to 20 and sell the products of your craft for the money to buy the weapon of your choice and the mage items mentioned in the mage section. If you chose a polearm as your weapon of choice, you can develop your fighting skills at the same time by using your staff as your main weapon, though I recommend picking up another type of weapon as mage weapons are limited. Once your DEX is at 20, alternate your orbs between STR, INT, and CON. Every now and then put an extra orb on CON to help your hit points and defense.
Craftsman-Start your character with the craft of your choice. Word of warning, starting as an metal worker and an elf is hard as there aren't safe mountains near the elf start town. Starting as a farmer and a human is hard as there are no farm lands near the human start town. If you want to cook, having some farming skills is good so you don't have to pay for as many of your supplies. If you work with wood or metal, you can eventually make weapons and armor (though it takes a massive skill level to do so). Start your orbs at STR=5, DEX=12, INT=5, and CON=5. Work your DEX to 20 then split your orbs on CON and STR until they reach 15 so you're relatively safe if you have to journey outside of town in order to get materials for your craft. Build your DEX up to 40 (another 20 levels) and then get split your orbs on STR and CON until they reach about 25 each and equip yourself with the weapon of your choice and the best armor you can get. This should allow you to travel safely between towns to sell your wares and expoit new mountains, forests, etc for your craft. Spend most of your orbs on DEX with the occaisional orb on STR and CON. INT is pretty worthless to a craftsman unless you want to do some magic. If you do, just spend the odd orb on INT until you're happy.
Etiquette For Idiots
Most idiots don't know how to behave in the world of Dransik at first, so here are a few tips.
1. Like the real world, there are a variety of characters in the game. Some are nice and will help you, others will kill you for fun. Or act friendly then rip you off. Be careful.
2. It helps to be nice to the Mods and Devs. They hold your gaming experience in their hands. If they like you, life is good. If you get on their bad sides, watch out!
3. It's more fun if you create a unique personality for your character. It spices the game up.
4. It's pretty hard to be evil off the bat. If you want to be evil, it helps to be nice or at least indifferent until you get strong enough to be successully wicked. Or, be as evil as possible, get killed a lot, and maybe catch the eye of some strong evil characters who can help you.

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