Fan Sites & Other
Internet Graffiti - Woohoo! Another John fan site. Cool, very cool
Saputo - an artist who does portraits of Deadwood characters. His portrait of Sol Star in particular can be seen here
Paul Garvey - an artist. His portrait of John Hawkes can be seen under the artwork/portraits section of the site
Greg Benson - a fellow actor from "Don't Try This at Home", there's a clip of John and him in the "video" section
Cartoon Fox - a lucky guy who got to meet John
The Chronicle - an article about The Perfect Storm Foundation, a charity that helps the families of deceased fishermen. John's contribution (before fliming started) is discussed briefly
Aint It Cool News - a review of "The Perfect Storm" that focuses on John

Music Links
King Straggler - the official King Straggler site. Very nice.
Roughly Supporting Nostalgia - they name check John in a song called "The Supporting Actors"; Actually, it kinda sounds like John singing, but they don't say that anywhere on the site, so I don't know...

Movie/TV Links
Deadwood Official Site
Buttleman Official Site
Identity Official Site
Biography - a short biography and overview of his career from the Perfect Storm website
Deep in the Heart - official site for this film. Includes cast bios, pics, and other production info.

Bio-Related Links - a short biography and career overview
Nieuwe Pagina - another short biography on this Perfect Storm website


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