Merry Meet
Welcome to my second attempt at a web page. ^_^

I wanted to share with you the story of how this page came to be.
I had recently had surgery and was taking pain medication that would,
quite frankly, put an elephant to sleep.
I had taken my medication and I was asleep in my bed,
when I woke up fully with this poem in my head.
I felt a great need to write it down. I found
a scrap of paper in my room and wrote it down
and fell sound asleep again, almost instantly after I had finished writing.
(I sometimes wonder how I was able to read it in the morning)*S*

I feel that this is a truly inspired piece of work
because I don't remember much of the time I wrote it.
I hope you enjoy the poem and see the importance of taking care of the earth.
There is only one and it does not belong to us, we belong to it!

Mother Earth
by Flair_of_wolfcreek,

We sing, we speak
write poems and praises
all for the love of our mother

She is kind and giving
our provider and guardian
on summer nights she
covers us with her starry blanket

So why is it that not all can see
and treat her with the respect and
the kindness she deserves

I wish that others
would see mother earth as I,
a most precious gift.
She gives us all,
her love and life.
All for the love of her children

Let me know what you thought
Email me at Flair_of_Wolfcreek.

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