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    Send your message to our Message Board                Date:Foundation European Bisexual Conference (EBC)
Press Release

First European Bisexual Conference

The Foundation European Bisexual Conference organizes the first conference
aimed at bisexuals in Europe in Rotterdam on June 22, 23 and 24 of the year

Conferences for bisexuals have been organized in the Netherlands and around
the world before, but never before has one been held specifically aimed at
European bis. As the importance of rules from 'Brussels' increases and the
EU is expected to expand eastward, an international European network becomes
of the essence. European bisexuals will need to be able to find each other.
This in order to exchange information and experience in the areas of freedom
of sexual preference and the position of bisexuality within the various
countries' societies. The European Bisexual Network, for which this
conference will provide the basis, aims to improve visibility on a European
level and will monitor relevant European legislation.
The conference organizers purposely named it EBC1, because we hope that in
the future EBCs will be organized every two years (bi-yearly) somewhere in
Europe. (Possibly in the next cultural capital of Europe)

The conference theme "Same Preferences, Different Lifestyles" stresses the
diversity of bisexuality: bisexuals choose various forms when deciding on a

way to express their sexual preference. By offering a large choice of very
different workshops and lectures the conference will be an interesting
experience for anyone who is involved with their (bi)sexual identity. Of
course this conference will not consist of only serious discussions, talks,
science and education. There will be ample room for relaxing during
performances, parties and informal gatherings.

EBC1 is a project that joins Rotterdam Pink City, one of the many faces that
Rotterdam shows as part of the activities organized in the framework of
Rotterdam Cultural Capital of Europe 2001. On June 22, the EBC1 will form
the opening event of the Pink Week, a week that is stashed with activities
for gay men, lesbian women, bisexuals, straight people and any other.

For more information:
P.O. Box 28210, 3003 KE Rotterdam, The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +31(0)10-2449059
Phone: +31(0)6-28438124

                          Wan Switi Srefidensi Dey

                       come and enjoy our independece day party at don Quichot.
                   We were hopeing to get a sratjie or a Kawna band but
                  we were not able to get them so we will have to do this all
                    with CD.


21-05-2000        POST ELECTION PARTY

                      Where : DON QUICHOT, Hogestraat
                      When  : Saturday 27th of may 2000
                       Fee       :  SF1500,=

                       Come ,Bring and enjoy with all your friends

                  Don't miss this!!!
                        We have a special party with D.J. at  Don Quichot at April 8  2000, starting at
                         22:00 ours.
                        Don't be late because it will be very crowded.

13-12-99 COME...............

                        Don Quichot

                        Every second and last saturday of the month: Gay night in Don Quichot
                        No admission, but bring your own cd or cassette with your
                           favourite music.
                           Adress: Hogestraat 16



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