Welcome to my Guest Book! This guest book dates from 3/10/00 - 07/01/01
Name :   Joe Schneemann
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  aol se
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  yes Chairman Post 1882 BSA Judo-Kai
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :
Comments :   While looking for our year end Kampi (which is Japanese for thank you party) which is 6/14 I wanted to share some info with the children about Flag Day, this will help thanks. Yours in exploring Scouting Joe
Name :   Michele
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  ask for help on a project
What state or country are you from? :
  Georgia USA
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  Boy Scouts
If you are a student, what grade are you in? :
  have children in 1,3,6, and preschool
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :
Comments :   thanks so much my dad was looking for the flag history for a school project, he is a motor repair man and is having to take school to learn the new codes and things, this helped a whole lot thank you so much for making this page.
Name :   Barb Hicks
Email :   [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
AOL search
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  GS leader
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :   yes
Comments :   Amy, I truly enjoyed your site. After 5 years it gets harder to find new flag ceremonies each year. It also thrilled me to see the silver award. Congrats. I have a 6th grader already working on a bronze award and she loved the site.
Name :   Elissa Morris
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  council link
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :
Comments :   We are checking your site for info on Flag Day, retiring the flag, etc. for day camp
Name :   Karen Kulaga
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  looking for info on flag
What state or country are you from? :
  New Jersey
Comments :   Great site. I found the song by Johnny Cash, The Ragged Old Flag, which I first heard when Ms. Liberty turned 100. I have it on video, sung by him, but now I have all the words also. Thank You
Name :   Nancy Kildahl
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  looked up "American_flag"
What state or country are you from? :
  I live in Washington state, but am on a Mission for my Church--so right now I am in Utah
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  have been in the past when my sons were young
Comments :   I want to thank you for this site. I did not bring all of my patriotic handouts with me when I came on my mission and I had need for the poem "Freedom is Not Free". Again, thank you so much. I look forward to sending some of my poems to you when I get home.
Name :   Doug
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  Surfing for Flag Etiquette
What state or country are you from? :
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :
Comments :   Great site. Your poem: Freedom Is Not Free was written by: Cadet, Major Kelly Strong Air Force Junior ROTC Homestead Senior H.S. Homestead Fla. I first heard the poem about ten years ago and have used it extensively. Where did you run across it? Keep up the good work.
Name :   Lorna
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  American Flag
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  Scouting/youth groups
Comments :   The best site I have found so far! Very informative and care put into this site. Keep up the good work I am able to use your site to teach my girls and youth group about the American Flag Thanks
Name :   Georgina Ryba
Email :
  [email protected]
What state or country are you from? :
  New Jersey
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  Leader 8 years
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :
Comments :   We are having a flag retiring ceremony at our encampment on Memorial Day and your site came in handy. thanks
Name :   Timothy Nishimura
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  MSN search
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  Tiger Cub Leader
Comments :   Great Site!!! One of the most complete sources of information I've seen yet. Thanks for the good work!!!!!!
Name :   Elly
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  Looking for the American Flag for a project
What state or country are you from? :
If you are a student, what grade are you in? :
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :
Comments :   This site is pretty cool. There is a lot of information...
Name :   Kim Laabs
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  google search
What state or country are you from? :
  Michigan, USA
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  Girl Scouts
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :   yes
Comments :   Thank you for placing the ceremonies on web site. I have been involved in Girl Scouts for 10 years but have moved locations and left my old, extremely used ceremonies book with my original Girl Scout Troop. I now find myself in need of a ceremony, on short notice.
Name :   Joanne Szakal
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  yes, scouting
Comments :   You have done a great job. Lots of info. Our troop is moving up to Cadettes, we need lots of help...Thanks.
Name :   Jessica B.
How did you find my web site? :
  search engine
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  No but I used to be
If you are a student, what grade are you in? :
Comments :   I was searching for stuff on the American revolution and I thought I might find some info about the flags and the people that carried them. if you have any info on this subject could you please e-mail me? Thanks, Jessica
Name :   Matt Blankenship
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  AOL surf
What state or country are you from? :
  MI (now VA)
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  Daughter is scout
Comments :   Surfing around looking for a US flag for a kite design. The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan is being christened this weekend and I want to fly a kite for the occasion. I helped build it. Also, it is national kite month in April, and it would be good too.
Name :   Melissa
How did you find my web site? :
  web search for flag ceremonies
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  yes, first grade brownie troop
Comments :   Very useful site. We are doing our first flag ceremony tomorrow in honor of Thinking Day. Now our flags will be in the right positions. (p.s. on your "carrying the flag page" the black and white picture shown at the top of the page doesn't "match" the description.
Name :   Michelle
How did you find my web site? :
American flag search
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
Comments :   Thank you!! It makes me feel good to know that there are young people that feel so patriotic.
Name :   Nancy
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  search the web
What state or country are you from? :
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :
Yes, please....
Comments :   We didn't know the correct way to display the flag from our house...thank you for all the info.
Name :   Bob Norris
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  Browsing Flag Etiquette
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  As a boy
(am now 78yrs.
Comments :   Excellent web page. Just what I needed! Thank you.
Name :   Sharon Seng
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
USA flag
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
Comments :   I enjoyed reading the different ceremonies. As a leader for a number of years, I am always looking for new ideas.
Name :   Evette Nicksich
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
  search for flag ceremonies
What state or country are you from? :
Are you involved with scouting/youth groups? :
  Boy & Girl Scouts
Would you like notices of updates? (yes, no) :
Comments :   What a wonderful find! You have done a fabulous job, definitely worthy of a gold award. I have bookmarked the site and will tell all the leaders I know what a great resource it is.
Name :   Jerry
Email :
  [email protected]
How did you find my web site? :
AOL search
What state or country are you from? :
If you are a student, what grade are you in? :
  Junior in college
Comments :   I am doing a project for the Junior Chamber of Commerce on patriotism, thanks you for your help!
Laural S. Legan ~ Spirit of Liberty Chapter DAR  http://jdls.net/Spirit-of-Liberty/
Thank You for taking the time to construct such a wonderful display of your patriotism.  You are to be commended!
Mandy Pandy - 12/28/00 04:16:44
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): navigator
What state or country are you from?: California
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: Junior Girl Scout in Paso Robles, CA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: 4th
I think it's a great web site. I will return to look at it again and again for ceremony & flag information
Carol - 09/06/00 00:52:51
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): friend
What state or country are you from?: FL
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: GS
Sorry you have had so much trouble on your site. Your information I got from you was wonderful for my kids. I just completed the unit on the flag, and I couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks again. My kids are quite informed because of all your research and hard work.
Pam - 09/06/00 00:56:53
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): friend
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: Girl Scouts - Cadette
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: 6th - daughter
Your web-site is wonderful. My daughter is also a Cadette (first year). She just flew up in May. She is very interested in the computer and would like to possibly make her own web-site. She only had two years of Juniors and is in the sixth grade. I am overwhelmed by the Interest Project Patch book and I suspect she is too! Good luck on your Silver Project!
09/19/00 04:58:34
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): Scouting Links
What state or country are you from?: Kincheloe, Michigan
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: Brownie Leader
Would you like to be on a mailing list for notices of updates to this page? (yes or no): yes Please
I enjoyed site so much information and so little time. Looks like you've put a lot of time into making the site. Lots of important information and ideas to use in our troop. Keep up the good work. Keep in touch :) Y.I.G.Sing Sarah Grabendike
09/23/00 01:59:11
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): Yahoo
What state or country are you from?: USA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: mother of former girl scout
Would you like to be on a mailing list for notices of updates to this page? (yes or no): Yes
Bless you for using your time for very worthwhile causes. A lot of persons who may not know much about what our flags stands for can be delighted with your site for hours. Thank you and keep it up.
Colleen - 09/29/00 18:20:33
My Email:[email protected]
What state or country are you from?: Florida
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: leader 2nd year brownie
Would you like to be on a mailing list for notices of updates to this page? (yes or no): yes
I have yet to read through all, I was so excited to find this info so I can share w/the girls!
10/06/00 17:14:50
My Email:[email protected]
What state or country are you from?: Washington
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: Brownie leader
Thank you for the great ceremonies you've listed. Now that my troop has bridged to Brownies, I wanted them to do a more traditional flag ceremony, but didn't know where to start. Thank you for the great ideas.
10/19/00 14:44:00
My URL:http://www.bytemeusa.com/scouts/signalhill
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): you left a note on our guest book
What state or country are you from?: Illinois
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: Boy Scouts
excellent, thorough site - lots of great links. great job Amy! BTW - if you are 14 - 20 years old, consider becoming a Venture - lots of Girl Scouts also join the BSA Venturing program - contact your local BSA council for more information. - Debbie
Bev - 11/02/00 02:57:55
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): Yahoo
What state or country are you from?: OH
Lots of information here
Dee - 11/08/00 19:08:50
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): A lot of surfing
What state or country are you from?: USA/Maryland
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: Den Mother to Wolves/ Pack 354
Would you like to be on a mailing list for notices of updates to this page? (yes or no): yes
Thank you for all your information. It's a big help. We are working on achievement 2 "Your Flag" I will be using your "Make a Flag" idea.
Chuck Lauderdale - 11/10/00 06:08:45
My URL:http://www.texans-r-us.com
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): Friend
What state or country are you from?: Houston, Texas
As a Disabled Persian Gulf War Veteran, I'm proud to know that some people still pay respect to our American Flag and to those men and women who sacrificed their lives in order to preserve our "freedom." This site is a "reminder" to all of us who have served in our Nations military during peace time and during war...our flag still stands for freedom...even when some burn it... Chuck Lauderdale
Pat - 11/20/00 01:58:58
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site? (If you used a search engine, or web ring which one did you use?): Yahoo
What state or country are you from?: North Carolina
Would you like to be on a mailing list for notices of updates to this page? (yes or no): I am already
This site is great. It's wonderful to know others love our great country so much. May God bless you. Thanks for the beauty you have added to our world.
12/13/00 05:17:19
My Email:[email protected]
What state or country are you from?: Maryland
Are you involved with scouting or other youth groups?: Girl Scouts and Am Legion Aux when younger
Very nice job. Very informative.
Rose - 08/05/00 02:17:20
My URL:mindspring
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: I was a girl scout many years ago
How did you find my web site?: asking jeeves
What state or country are you from?: Illinois
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: retired
I enjoyed your web site, it was very informative. Thank you
- 07/24/00 14:21:35
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: recommended
Information very enlightening. HH
Sharlon Jackson - 07/18/00 04:16:39
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: leader Troop 4499 Senior Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: search for flag ceremonies
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: PDQ SEARCH
What state or country are you from?: Houston, Texas
I like your Web Page. It is very helpful and is a great idea for a Silver Award.
Russel Earl - 07/16/00 17:06:08
My Email:russ asde.@net
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: yes
Pat - 07/13/00 01:06:24
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: Surfing
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: Yahoo
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: Yes
What state or country are you from?: North Carolina/USA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: I am a mother
If you lost someone in a war, please accept my condolences. The poems are so beautiful, it is as if you feel it deeply in your soul. May God bless you and all whose lives you touch.
Rita - 07/12/00 03:32:33
How did you find my web site?: friend
What state or country are you from?: NC
Enjoyed this. Thanks for putting all of this information together. I'm so glad to see young folks who are interested in our good heritage. Keep up the good work, Amy
Manx - 07/09/00 19:24:59
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: Capt, US Air Force
I am a combat veteran. In these days when so many people try their hardest to find the worst in people and things, their are many more like you who go about silently finding ways to do what is good. Many thousands of men and women died defending Our Flag and our Freedom. Even in your youth, I am sure you know that Freedom is not Free - It costs dearly. Your site is not only a tribute to Our Flag and Our Nation, but to those who have defended it over the past 200 years. Please accept my humble thanks for your effort. I am sure you will go on to do great things.
Frank Breslin - 07/04/00 17:53:37
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: no
How did you find my web site?: searched on flag
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: aol
What state or country are you from?: California, USA
Laurie Wheeler - 07/04/00 17:51:03
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: Search Engine
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: AOL Search Engine
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: Yes
What state or country are you from?: USA
Hello, Amy! I just wanted you to know that I think your site is fantastic! I was a Girl Scout for many years (including a Cadette), and I live in Michigan, too! Keep up the good work and best wishes to you! Sincerely, Laurie Wheeler :)
meg woznicki - 07/03/00 15:13:31
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: girl scouts
How did you find my web site?: search for info
What state or country are you from?: New Jersey
I am a leader of a girl scout troop that is earning their silver award by hosting a flag retirement ceremony July 8th. The troop has been collecting flags in collection boxes placed in stores and businesses around our town. Great idea for a site and a silver award idea!!! scoutingly yours, miss meg
Andrew Ward - 07/02/00 15:49:57
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: I am in ARMY
How did you find my web site?: typed in American flag
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: aol
What state or country are you from?: TN but now in TX
I'm so very proud to see that not all of America's youth have lost their patriotism. Being in the US ARMY-seeing this makes what I do feel worthwhile- You and your family should be very proud of you. Today you have made me very proud not only to be a sol ier but also to be an AMERICAN. Thank you for making this sight. If only more of today's youth could be more like you. Great job and thanks again. SPC. WARD US ARMY
Sharon Loya - 06/30/00 13:11:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/flag_of_the_usa/www.nbdhu.on.ca
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: I was for 15 years
How did you find my web site?: I was looking for a graphic of the American Flag to cut out and put on my desk for July 4
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: Netscape
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: yes
What state or country are you from?: Canada
I am a 53 year old women and an American Citizen from Johnstown, New York. I have been living in Canada for 26 years - but I retain my American Citizenship. Three of my children are American and my youngest has dual citizenship as both her parents are A erican but she was born in Canada. I presently live in North Bay, Ontario (250 miles north of Toronto). I work for the Ministry of Health. We have Monday July 3 off because of Canada Day but I wanted to put an American Flag on my desk for July 4.
Andrea - 06/29/00 20:45:25
How did you find my web site?: searched for American Flag
What state or country are you from?: Oklahoma
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: I'm a mom
I'm doing a presentation on the American Flag and it's history. Thank you for your web page. It's very helpful and interesting.
john - 06/28/00 20:56:53
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: looking for flag codes
What state or country are you from?: CT
- 06/27/00 11:43:36
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: teacher
How did you find my web site?: searching for flag graphics
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: Kidclick
What state or country are you from?: CT
This is a wonderful site.
Roger J. Barski - 06/10/00 17:17:02
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: keyword search
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: snap.com
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: yes
What state or country are you from?: Illinois
Job well done!
kimshi - 06/10/00 14:02:49
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes/yes/yes-girl scouts, boy scouts & cub scouts
How did you find my web site?: received a note at leader meeting
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: yes
What state or country are you from?: Michigan
Way to go with this site! I love the entire format
[email protected] - 06/06/00 15:14:49
My Email:aol
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: not presently
How did you find my web site?: looking for days to display the flag
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: aol search
What state or country are you from?: Arizona
This is a very detailed site to learn more about the American Flag. I was searching for a listing of days to display the flag and found yours. I am no longer involved in scouting - my children are grown with families of their own. I did my share of lea ership back in the 1960s and thoroughly enjoyed working with the young people then. Much success in your future endeavors.
Dottie Glewwe - 05/31/00 13:19:42
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes, a leader
How did you find my web site?: looking for ideas for our end of year ceremony
What state or country are you from?: USA
you had many good ideas that we can't wait to use! Congratulations
Kelly - 05/30/00 14:14:52
My URL:http://www.videobuddy.com/
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Former Girl Scout
How did you find my web site?: Search for Girl Scout Songs
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: Netscape
What state or country are you from?: USA
I have a 4 1/2 year old son and I am excited to share this site with him. This will be a wonderful learning experience for him. I am also going to share this with my friend who is now a Girl Scout leader. Great job!
Ed Bishop - 05/29/00 13:08:24
My Email:eddeb542
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Police Athletic league
How did you find my web site?: Search
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: yahoo
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: sure
What state or country are you from?: Ohio
GREAT JOB!! Myself being a Veteran I felt somewhat surprised at that your site would be helpful to me but it was filled with alot of useful info I was not aware of. I am proud to know that the younger citizens are still interested in the U.S.A and the pride that has made this Country The BEST will be carried on by you Thank you!
Juergen Barbusca - 05/28/00 23:17:20
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Public relations director for Girl Scouts of Frontier Council in Las Vegas, Nev.
rhonda ogletree - 05/25/00 17:19:15
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: girl scouts
How did you find my web site?: surfing
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: yes
What state or country are you from?: TN
wonderful job
Bob - 05/25/00 05:01:49
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: ex-Eagle Boy Scout (now 51 years old)
How did you find my web site?: recommended by web-ring
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: eGroups/COMSEC
Would you like to be on a mailing list for update notices of my site?: No thanks
What state or country are you from?: TEXAS
You should be extremely PROUD of yourself for doing such an outstanding job on this site!! Makes those of my generation to think a little differently about the future generations coming along behind us. This site shows that you, and hopefully many more like e you, still feel that patriotism is not just a word in dictionaries or crossword puzzles. But rather a way of life. THANKS!! Bob Blair
debo'h - 05/23/00 03:32:28
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Leader,TCC
How did you find my web site?: MI metro connection
What state or country are you from?: MI
THANK YOU! I am taking my daughter's new troop camping in two weeks and they have been asking for a flag retiring ceremony. I have the old flag but didn't have the knowledge. Your site is the answer to my prayers! thank you!
web ster - 05/20/00 05:40:39
My URL:http://flagday.org/
How did you find my web site?: by chance
What state or country are you from?: Maryland
Great info, very well laid out, might want to have a little more info about Flag Day Wednesday June 14, 2000. just a thought... keep up the good work.
Mike - 05/19/00 20:50:42
My URL:http://www.us-flag.com/
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Used to be a Boy Scout!
How did you find my web site?: You told me about it!
What state or country are you from?: Florida
Excellent site! Keep up the good work! It's comforting to know that there are still people interested in maintaining the respect our nation's Flag deserves. "Oh, long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." -National Anthem
depression lady - 05/18/00 17:16:26
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Jumior Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: MI Metro Connection
What state or country are you from?: Detroit, MI
Good Job Amy!! I'm using your flag ceremonies and your song as part of my OPF training this weekend. Thanks!
Laurie - 05/18/00 03:10:09
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: searched for GS graphics
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: search engine ?
What state or country are you from?: WA, USA
Dear Amy, Kudos! You did a great job on your sight. It illustrates your hard work and research on your topic. What a creative Silver Award project! I am partial to designing web pages myself, but don't have one uploaded at this moment. I designed one for our t troop, and service unit. I wish you well and what are your plans for a Gold Award project? We have a troop of soon to be Seniors who would love to hear your ideas! Drop us a line if you get the chance and let us know how your council supports its Silver and Gold Award recipients. Thanks, Laurie (Montana is my camp name!)
J.O. - 05/16/00 15:01:47
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: not since I was 12
How did you find my web site?: aol search engine
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: aol
What state or country are you from?: VA
Your site answered a lot of my questions. Thanks and Great Job!
Barb - 05/15/00 21:36:02
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Scout resources web site
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: yahoo
What state or country are you from?: New Mexico
Thank you for providing this information. My Brownies are doing a flag ceremony tonight at an awards presentation. I appreciate the different ceremonies you provide.
Donna Thompson - 05/15/00 16:50:21
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scout Leader
How did you find my web site?: MI Metro Connection
What state or country are you from?: Livonia, Michigan
Amy, What good timing. I needed a flag ceremony for the Coolidge Girl Scout Banquet in a few weeks. Thanks. Nice job on the web site. Mrs. Thompson (Lisa's mom)
Sami - 05/14/00 12:36:46
My Email:kissme112
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes
How did you find my web site?: aol search
What state or country are you from?: US
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: 7th
Dear Amy, Wow thanks for making this page! I have to do a really big book report on the "Star Spangled Banner" and the American Flag. And could not find anything for like 2 hrs!! You have some really great info! Thanks Sami
guppy - 05/12/00 08:23:22
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: AOL
What state or country are you from?: GA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: college
Very well done, you should be proud of yourself. it's nice to see kids that still respect the flag that so many have died for. God Bless
Sandy - 05/11/00 13:11:28
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Search
If you found this site by a search-engine/web-ring please tell us which one?: aol search
What state or country are you from?: New York
I was searching for flag information for a non scouting purpose but, when I found your site I was very impressed and looked further. I have a Junior Troop and we are all fairly new to many aspects of Scouting. This will be a great reference for us especially for ceremonies. Thanks so much for this great service!
Joe Ehrman - 05/10/00 23:41:34
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Boy Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Searching for Flag
What state or country are you from?: California
I like the Flag rising on the staff on the left of your screen. I have been a Scoutmaster for over 47 years.
dana Erickson - 05/03/00 15:35:41
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes #2724
How did you find my web site?: search
What state or country are you from?: California
Cheryl Wagner - 05/03/00 04:12:22
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: search for flag etiquette
What state or country are you from?: Washington (State)
Congratulations on a well-designed and informative web site! I have running a one-person campaign to improve flag display and disposal here, and needed flag etiquette in print to convince my more skeptical foes. Your site gave me just what I needed. Cheryl Wagner, YN1, USNR (Retired)
Joy - 04/23/00 22:51:16
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes - GS leader
How did you find my web site?: friend emailed address
What state or country are you from?: Virginia
I'm impressed!
Carol Dybilas - 04/13/00 13:21:21
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: surfing
What state or country are you from?: Huron Cty., Michigan
This is a really good site for flag information. I teach flag ceremony and etiquette at our local council day camp. I am also a trainer apprentice with Girl Scouts of Mitten Bay. Thank you for additional resource materials!!
Vickie legal - 04/12/00 00:30:21
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes leader and former scout
How did you find my web site?: information given to me by Dr. Legel
What state or country are you from?: mi-usa
Amy- this is a very organized and well put together project that will be helpful to many people. This project is very worthy of the girl scout silver award and you should be proud of the information you are sharing with others. this also shows your patriotism to your country. Keep up the good work and your involvement in scouting.
Auntie - 04/11/00 19:54:56
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Boy Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Your mom
What state or country are you from?: Michigan
A very well put together site!
Johnnita a.k.a Raksha - 04/11/00 09:46:47
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Boy Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Referral from "Bob"
What state or country are you from?: New Zealand
It is a wonderful site Amy - we are studying the USA for our International theme and your site has more than helped. I can feel the pride that you have in your country. Thank you for a wonderful resource.
Ann - 04/10/00 18:11:56
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Yes
How did you find my web site?: Accident!
What state or country are you from?: USA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: Troop Leader
Emily - 04/09/00 23:57:41
My URL:http://twinznum1.homestead.com/mypage.html
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts!!!!!!!!!!!
How did you find my web site?: my leader
What state or country are you from?: VA in the USA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: freshman!!!!!!
This is really cool. A great idea! Hope that it gets lots and lots of visitors!!
Laura - 04/07/00 22:01:38
How did you find my web site?: Riley Newsletter
What state or country are you from?: Michigan
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: 8th
Hi Amy! How are you? Nice site! : ) : ) : ) : )
Jeff Birrenkott - 04/05/00 18:48:01
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Cub Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Surfing
What state or country are you from?: Great Salt Lake Council of Salt Lake City
I am very impressed with what you have done. It's nice to see a young lady who so loves her country that she would put together a site like this. Congrats on this site. You keep up the good work.
Brian Homan - 04/05/00 03:04:36
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Boy Scout (Eagle)
How did you find my web site?: Scouts-l
What state or country are you from?: Ohio
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: Graduate school
Excellent site! I would like to see everyone express more interest in the great symbol of our country. Thank you for your efforts.
Kathy - 04/05/00 01:00:43
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Yes
How did you find my web site?: VFW
What state or country are you from?: TX
Wonderfully put together. Very informative and well thought out. Thanks, Kathy
Emily S. - 04/04/00 01:14:17
My Email:emilyskate@
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts . . . Project Mackinac
How did you find my web site?: Link from email
What state or country are you from?: Michigan
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: 12
Great job, Amy!
Andrea Michelle - 04/03/00 14:53:58
How did you find my web site?: Our teacher told us about it
What state or country are you from?: Michigan
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: 8Th
It's cool how you made so much information about one subject good job I don't even know who you are but you did a great job anyway I would never have been able to do that!
T-MONEY - 04/03/00 14:45:34
How did you find my web site?: TEACHER
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: 8TH
Nick - 04/03/00 14:40:39
My Email:mblue1386@
How did you find my web site?: recommended by teacher
What state or country are you from?: Michigan
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: 8th
Very nice site on the United States flag.....Nick
Alice Zenner - 04/03/00 05:04:38
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Cadette Leader in MD
How did you find my web site?: A fellow leader sent it to me.
What state or country are you from?: Frederick, Maryland
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: Sorry, Mom of three girls!
This is wonderful! Did you do this for a Silver Award project or were you working on a Computer IPP? Anyway, it's terrific. Alice
Kat - 04/01/00 23:31:35
My URL:http://home.nycap.rr.com/pyewacket/
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: GS Leader
How did you find my web site?: my mom forwarded URL
What state or country are you from?: NY
I am very impressed with your website. Great job!
Beth - 04/01/00 02:05:58
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Junior Girl Scout Leader
How did you find my web site?: From Scouting Links newsletter
What state or country are you from?: Ashburn, Virginia
Great Job Amy. I'm trying to build a web-site for my service unit. You've inspired me to keep at it!
Mrs. Carol - 04/01/00 00:12:03
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: recommended by Service Unit Coordinator
What state or country are you from?: USA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: I am an adult leader
This was a great site!! I am going to send it to all of my troop. We wish we had this information when we were working on Ceremonies!! Thank you for all your hard work!
Sherry - 03/31/00 04:02:11
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Brownie leader
How did you find my web site?: another leader told me about it
What state or country are you from?: originally CA but now in PA
Lisa - 03/30/00 14:36:44
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: YES-Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: by another GS Leader
What state or country are you from?: Florida
WELL DONE! Kudos to you! I am a leader of Junior Girl Scouts. Your site will be very helpful to them. Thank You!!
Pam - 03/30/00 07:53:27
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Scouting Links
What state or country are you from?: USA
Your web-site is great! Your Silver Award project is a success. On to the Gold Award!!!!!
Sage - 03/30/00 05:00:34
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: rec.scouting
What state or country are you from?: Florida
Thanks Amy, Great site. I do "Ceremonies" workshops for leaders. I will add "Folding The Flag" to my collection.
Linda - 03/29/00 18:25:57
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Scout Link
What state or country are you from?: England
I'm a Cadette leader - congratulations, this is a great site!
J.J.Lamb - 03/29/00 05:29:58
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Cadette Leader
How did you find my web site?: a friend
What state or country are you from?: AZ
Carolyn - 03/29/00 03:07:46
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts & Boy Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Links Newsletter
What state or country are you from?: Alabama
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: Leader
Great Job. Congratulations
Susan Hill - 03/29/00 01:54:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/gstroop263
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Yes
How did you find my web site?: Scouting Links Newsletter
What state or country are you from?: CA
I love what you have done and will be sharing it with my Juniors and Cadettes. Also, I would like to share with all my fellow leaders at our next Leaders Meeting. Great Job......
Tina Kovarik - 03/29/00 00:57:46
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Yes - Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Amy
What state or country are you from?: MI

Hi Amy! Cool web-site.
SCOUTNANA - 03/28/00 04:32:57
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Jr. G.S. Leader
How did you find my web site?: G.S.LINKS
What state or country are you from?: COLORADO
Tom Brown - 03/28/00 00:51:59
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Boy Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Note in Rec.Scouts
What state or country are you from?: Columbus, Ohio, USA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: College
Having done some work putting up a temporary page for class, I appreciate all the effort you have put in to making this site. It is well done. I am a Unit Commissioner with Tri-Creek District here in Simon Kenton Council. I have not seen this much correct information distributed since I was a Boy Scout back in the late 50's and early 60's. Congratulations on a job well done.
Nancy - 03/27/00 23:51:37
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: girl scouts
How did you find my web site?: GS newsletter
What state or country are you from?: NY
I love your site. It will help greatly to get other troops to help with flag ceremonies. I always hear I don't know a good ceremony, now I will direct them to your web site if they have a computer. If they don't I will give them copies on the ceremonies. This is great!!! I am also sending your website to our boy scout leader, as they do not know anything about flag ceremonies. Thank you so much for doing this. Nancy and Troop 2095
Debbie - 03/27/00 23:33:38
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Asst. Leader/GS/Junior Troop
How did you find my web site?: newsletter-Scouting Links
What state or country are you from?: Virginia
Wow! Great site. Lots of info--especially about ceremonies that I can use with my girls.
Allison - 03/27/00 23:30:29
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: JR GS
How did you find my web site?: GS newsletter
What state or country are you from?: NJ
Love your music. Cool site!
Barbara Larose - 03/27/00 19:36:11
My Email:Paullarose@AOL
How did you find my web site?: school notice
What state or country are you from?: Michigan
Amy, Congratulations on your wonderful site! I am very impressed. If you needed extra credit in history, I would give you some. The only problem I had was that my school computer does not have a CD Rom player. Your site was great!
Jan Hubacher - 03/27/00 14:20:02
How did you find my web site?: flyer
What state or country are you from?: MI
If you were in my Social Studies class I'd give you an "A"
Renee - 03/25/00 03:06:59
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes, leader
How did you find my web site?: forward from another leader
What state or country are you from?: USA - WI
Annette - 03/25/00 01:02:37
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Yes
How did you find my web site?: cruising the webring
What state or country are you from?: IA
Great site!! I can tell you worked really hard on this -- I'm impressed!
Sherrie - 03/25/00 00:49:35
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: [email protected]
What state or country are you from?: Virginia
Great job! I will certainly share this with all of the leaders in my Service Unit!
Jill Peck - 03/23/00 18:29:51
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Boy Scouts, Youth Group at church, was involved with Camp Fire Girls
How did you find my web site?: Received an e-mail about it
What state or country are you from?: Ohio
What a great site!!! Everything is so neat and organized.
Nancy - 03/23/00 05:25:05
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Both, church youth groups
How did you find my web site?: forwarded by a friend
What state or country are you from?: OK
I'm a leader of a Cadette/Senior troop. Have 2 daughters (twins) presently working on their projects. Lots of hours to do two projects independently! Thanks for the web site!
Cynthia - 03/23/00 00:55:48
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: onelist
What state or country are you from?: North Carolina
Wonderful! Thank you so much for creating this site. I am working with the color guard in our service unit and will use this site as a reference.
smitty - 03/22/00 20:08:00
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Yes
How did you find my web site?: cad sen leaders onelist
What state or country are you from?: California
A lot of the images wouldn't load for me. I am using Netscape Communicator V 4.61 Lots of good info!
Marvel Adams - 03/22/00 18:01:51
Now I know what you've been doing in your spare time . You have done some wonderful research 0n this project.
Bill - 03/22/00 15:14:17
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Cubmaster
How did you find my web site?: campfire songs weblist
What state or country are you from?: MO
Nice Site!
K. Green (Greenie) - 03/21/00 14:21:05
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: G.S. Leader
How did you find my web site?: was sent to me by a friend
What state or country are you from?: Long Beach CA. U.S.A
Good Job Amy, Now you can go for your gold.
Lena - 03/21/00 09:08:50
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: G.S.
How did you find my web site?: surfing
What state or country are you from?: N.Y.
Great site for girls and leaders.
Beth - 03/20/00 17:42:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/troop1671
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Yes
How did you find my web site?: OneList Message
What state or country are you from?: Maryland
Excellent job Amy. I really like the site. Very informative and patriotic. Thank you
Pauline McFall - 03/20/00 15:07:09
My URL:http://www.stl-online.net/troop785
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: e-mail from cad/sen list
What state or country are you from?: Missouri
This is a great site. Congratulations on your Silver Award. This will be a wonderful resource for Girls and leaders. Congratulations.
Alice Marshall - 03/20/00 14:15:34
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts [for 30+ years]
How did you find my web site?: rec.scout postings
What state or country are you from?: New Jersey, USA
If you are interested, US flags that have been flown over the Nation's Capitol building may be purchased as a special event souvenir through one of your Senators. I did last year for Guide companies that were here on an international event our council held. If you are interested, please contact me and I will give you more info.
Kathy - 03/20/00 13:36:32
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: GS
How did you find my web site?: Through INternet posting
What state or country are you from?: PA
Nice and helpful site.
Alison Bergman - 03/20/00 11:41:12
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Senior GS leader
How did you find my web site?: your Mom's posting about it
What state or country are you from?: NY state
Dear Amy: Very cool indeed. Your web site is very informative and I enjoyed it too. I am so impressed by all the work you did for your Silver Award. You are quite a Scout. I will tell my girls about your Silver Award and maybe they too will stop by an visit your site. I had three girls do a Silver, so I know how much work you did to achieve your goals. Congratulations. Alison Bergman - Leader Senior Troop 1675 Ardsley,NY - Westchester/Putnam GSC
Kim - 03/19/00 21:05:37
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Girl Scouts
How did you find my web site?: Girl Scouts
What state or country are you from?: VA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: College
Very nice! You have done a great job!
Kevin - 03/19/00 18:30:15
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: Yes, BSA & GSA
How did you find my web site?: rec.scouting.usa
What state or country are you from?: Georgia
Very nice. I enjoyed the graphics, the music and the history. Nice job with the transitions. I am going to offer one of the opening ceremonies to my troop's program patrol for the meeting opening tomorrow. Thanks.
Toni - 03/19/00 03:59:06
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: yes
How did you find my web site?: you emailed me
What state or country are you from?: USA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: freshmen in college
Amy you did a great job on this congrats!!!!
Michelle - 03/18/00 20:55:08
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: I'm a Junior Leader
How did you find my web site?: Our council
What state or country are you from?: Wisconsin
Ms Laura - 03/17/00 21:24:19
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts (Boy Scouts or Other Youth Groups)?: I am a Leader for Br & Jr
How did you find my web site?: Newsgroup
What state or country are you from?: Michigan
I really liked your page. I really like learning and sharing anything about the American Flag. What a wonderful place to go for more information! Thank You!!
- 03/17/00 14:56:44
My Email:lleclerc@mmgsc
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: Manager of Adult Development, Michigan Metro GS Council
How did you find my web site?: your e-mail
What state or country are you from?: MI
Wow! Hope you'll get credit for this for your Silver or Gold Award. I'll be sure to share the URL with our volunteer trainers to share as a much-need resource for leaders. I'm also forwarding it to our Director of Communications. Thanks! (FYI - maybe it was just my IE browser, but I kept getting the script error message box many times.)
David Walus - 03/17/00 12:42:34
My URL:http:///???
My Email:[email protected]
Cool site! What did you want in the "URL:" area up above? Did you know there is a Java Script that automatically checks what type of browser is being used? I'll look for it and e-mail it to you. See you in choir!
Beans - 03/16/00 14:45:26
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: yes
How did you find my web site?: friend
What state or country are you from?: Virginia/USA
Very nice site, I will recommend it to my leaders and other staff members. It is a job well done. Good luck when you go for your Gold Award
Keneu - 03/16/00 08:30:50
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: No - Scouting - I'm Group Leader & Cub Leader
How did you find my web site?: From posting in Scouting Newsgroup
What state or country are you from?: New Zealand
Looks pretty good! I guess some of hte graphics take a while to load up compared to some other sites I've been, but pretty comparable I'd say. Well done! George McNeur Group Leader Halswell (Christchurch NZ) Scout Group
polarcub - 03/16/00 03:09:18
My URL:http://www.polarcub.com/bsa13
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: no - BSA
How did you find my web site?: rec.scouting.usa
What state or country are you from?: Illinois
Nice site. You've put a lot of work into it & it shows.
News reader - 03/16/00 01:27:45
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: Your Pops notice on Startionery group
What state or country are you from?: Ohio
Looking real good, and the fade in was excellent
Sue - 03/15/00 22:04:57
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: Junior Leader
How did you find my web site?: a friend sent the link
What state or country are you from?: Virginia, USA
I really enjoyed looking over your web site! I'm always looking for new ideas for the girls in my troop to use with a flag ceremony! Thanks for all the hard work! I hope you'll continue to add new ceremonies and poetry, etc. as you come across it! Grea t job! Sue
Tigger - 03/15/00 19:45:36
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: yes for 13 years
How did you find my web site?: friend
What state or country are you from?: Virginia
Joni - 03/15/00 17:42:24
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: stationery group
What state or country are you from?: Florida
You have done a very nice job on this site. your parents must be very proud of you.
Eddie - 03/15/00 15:48:04
My URL:http://train.missouri.org/~emgeer
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: Father of 2 girl scouts
How did you find my web site?: from post on rec.scouting.usa
What state or country are you from?: Missouri
Nicely done. May like to visit my website for some possible ideas. Good luck with your silver project. Homepage: http://train.missouri.org/~emgeer Flag: http://train.missouri.org/~emgeer/flag1us.html
Pam - 03/15/00 14:17:03
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: I'm a Brownie Guider in Scotland, UK
How did you find my web site?: from newsgroup
What state or country are you from?: Scotland, UK
Well done. It's an excellent professional looking site. My only criticism would be that sometimes the hearts and start detract from the visibility of the words on the page and make it seem a bit 'busy'. But you can't please everyone and I thought it was really good.
papinewton - 03/15/00 05:20:01
My Email:newtfam@swbell,net
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: Boy Scouts! ScoutMaster
How did you find my web site?: surfing for flag graphics
What state or country are you from?: S. Antonio TX
Kevin - 03/15/00 00:59:18
My URL:http://www.gatecom.com/~kcush/
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find my web site?: Email
What state or country are you from?: MI/USA
If you are a student, what grade are you in?: graduate school
Very impressive Amy!!!!
rg - 03/14/00 23:37:30
My Email:[email protected]
Are you involved in Girl Scouts?: only the cookies
How did you find my web site?: a friend
What state or country are you from?: MI
Great job on the web site. I'm impressed. I'm jealous. I hope I can learn to build one some day. We'll be keeping a eye on this site.

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