Military Service
(with excerpts  for a WW-II Veteran)

Color Guard Ceremony

Stars Line

Written by Boyd Fallwell

Let us cherish the blessings of liberty that were secured for us by those who served in the armed forces of the United States.

While history may overlook many of the brave deeds of our gallant men and women, their memory will ever live in the hearts and minds of freedom loving people of this great nation. The heart of every true American must throb with wondrous pride as we honor our immortal American Heroes. For those who died in the service and others who are now gone, the honor and glory is theirs, may their glory forever ring.

NAME heard our country's call. He (she) went forth and counted not his (her) own life dear but offered it gladly in humanities name. NAME fought for the right as God gave him (her) that right. *The greatest war in the history of the world came to a close August 14, 1945 when the warring nations laid down their arms. The Germans, Japanese and all their allies lay prostrate, they were defeated.

They who knew no mercy and who had violated every law of humanity and civilization, they begged for mercy! The victory was ours! NAME was a part of that history of keeping this nation free!

We are assembled here to offer a last tribute of respect and affection to our departed comrade NAME. The years toll by as the ranks of veterans diminish. One by one our comrades leave us; one by one they pass on to join that company of heroic men and women who have defended our Country under arms. With the help of God they have kept America free for you and me, so that we truly can be One Nation under God.

Veteran of war, well done, the warfare is past. The battle is fought, the battle is won, and thou are crowned at last.

There is but one word that describes our American Flag, that word is Freedom. *We do not live under that Nazi swastika, the flag of the rising sun, nor the hammer and sickle. No Way!  Because of men (women) like NAME we live in a free country under this Red White and Blue our Stars and Stripes that we call Old Glory. Our American flag always shines brightly.

It acquires its brilliance from American Veterans who fought and died to preserve it. It sure seems to me, that our flag shines much brighter today as we honor NAME. For the love and devotion he (she) gave to our beloved country, we will give him (her) full military honors.

We will have the sounding of Taps.   (Taps have lyrics!)

Day is done,
gone the sun,
from the lakes,
from the hills,
from the skies.
All is well, safely rest,
God is nigh.

Thanks and praise,
for our days,
n'eath the sun,
n'eath the stars,
n'eath the sky.
As we go, this we know,
God is nigh.

(Of course nigh means near or very close by, God is very close by.)

Bugler, sound Taps - Bagpipes play Amazing Grace -  fold flag - Present flag

This flag was folded very carefully as it is precious to the American people. Since the Revolutionary war 42 million Americans have served under this flag. Over one million of those have died on the battlefields or were lost at sea. They were defending the freedom this flag represents. This Flag is our nations highest honor. There is none higher. This flag is offered by a grateful nation and the American veterans who have fought and died to preserve it. This flag is given by the United States of America in memory of NAME for his honorable and faithful service to our beloved country. On behalf of the American people and the Office of the President of the United States, I present to you, NAME  flag.

May God be with you.

*You may change or add words here that would more relate to the deceased.
(used with permission)

Boyd Fallwell - For God and Country - From Oklahoma City USA
Keeping America's Honor alive and well...  mailto:[email protected]
Veterans of America Honor Guard -
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