Write Me a Letter--Don't Print!

It is the style
I love so dear.
It makes me cry
and pulls out my strings.

how I curse the way you make me melt.
Your words flow around me
like water in a hot tub.
You give me that neverending
fever in my fingers as I
use you, abuse you, misuse you.

Do you worry that people do not take you seriously?
Is it because of your infinite curves--your voluptuous nature
that makes people swoon when they see you.
Can you take the pressure
of always having to look perfect?
Oh poor cursive,
your poor fate as a simple style.
People do not understand your true beauty
and the heartbreak you must feel when they mock you.
How dare they learn you then never use you again?
Are you only a shabby dress that is brought out for certain
circumstances like boring business occasions when you are
needed to sign a legal document that you do not want your
perfection to grace because it is so horrible?

how can people treat you this way? 
Oh cursive,
I am sorry.
I love you,
even though I would rather print.

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