Silly Blob

You think I want
your silence
in return for later pain?
You think I sit
every moment
for you?
You think this rage
is further proof?
What I always
was faith
that I am not always
so irrational,
that I have a head between
my cute shoulders
and my flippy hair.
I wanted the
I deserve
as much as you deserve
someone normal.
I wanted the respect
that you could never give me,
because I am one blob of blame
in your eyes.
I am one bundle of problems
you never want to look through
for the woman within.
you're different
from the others . . .
you aren't the same,
because you bite me
under the pretense
of being better,
of caring.
I know you no longer care--
you no longer call,
you no longer want to see me,
just her.
Next you will blame her
for your future problems,
but I won't take that.
I will shove you
down into the crevices
of the earth.
I will force you to
that you are to blame sometimes,
that you can be wrong,
that what you think I feel
is fallible.
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