Screaming Alone

The words tumble about
inside me
saying I am a failure.
They bruise and try to bring
saltwater to my eyes.
My heart begins to lie
and my shield is put in place.
No matter what I do,
the shield is slightly visible
and appears to certain eyes
as a field of anger and resentment.
Partially deaf and blind,
everything around me is a blur.
Smiles are easily appearing
and tears are easily going
when they have to.
Parts of me cannot obey
what my face dictates.
Arms sleep at my sides
and hair springs away
at the slightest pull of
my tension coil.
Little noises
startle and make me jump.
The skin on my head is shrinking,
and pressure crunches my brain.
All I feel is pain
as if someone was stuck in my head
and was punching her way out.
Static, force, stiffness
all around me.
Everything I�ve done,
and everything I am
is failure.
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