Me, Me, Me
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Look out below for some random thoughts . . .
To check out my old random thoughts, go here
The things I hate: not being taken seriously, not getting respect, always being told I am wrong,

ignorant people, and the occasional song.
The basic facts: my name is Alyssa; I go to UMCP; my majors are Math and Secondary

Education Math; I am a math person, a musician, a dancer, a writer, an actress, et al.; the warning

for this page is to visit at your own risk, because I will write whatever I feel like writing.
What I love: my family (including my cats), my good friends, my violin, my mind, my

independence, my intelligence, my bootyliciousness, music, reading, and doing what I want.
April 3, 2003

I am working on my page, as you might be able to see.  I am not posting the link until I get

everything done, so some of you won't even see this entry for a while anyway, but I am posting it

now to get it done.  Let me know what you think in the guestbook.
January 9, 2004

As you can see, it's hard for me to keep updating this page.  I'm thinking of taking stuff down, especially my poems, and just putting them in a document on my computer or something.  I mean, I like having them up here, but what happens if the page vanishes?  Of course, my current poems have the same issue--the only copies I have tend to be completely on the Internet.  So, I thought about changing that, and maybe I will start with this page.  They told me they would delete it if I don't update enough.  I shouldn't really be doing this now, but we'll see.  I don't even care as much about this page as I did.  *shrugs*  No one comes here, anyway.
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