This is a page for my school, North Central High School!!!!!! I know you all think I am crazy making a page for NC, but I am really bored. Anyways, I am just gonna put pictures and stuff on it I guess. The sign for NC above is a link to NC's page on Washington Township's Home Page.

I am now a JUNIOR!! Hallelujah, we made it! Let's all get ready for Junior Spectacular and Prom!!! And if anyone ever says they're not excited about those, then they're crazy. (Oh and that's a link to Heather's and Emily's and my Jr. Spec website. We're writing an act!) I think I shall put a picture of my ID on (don't laugh or I'll bite you).

Hehe I am very bored, and I wanted something to scan. If you want, I could put pictures up of all of you, but I don't think you want that. I would put up my schedule, but I don't want to. So there. That means getting up all the way to my room, and I don't have that kind of energy. :O)


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