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Rainbow in La Theine Plateau.
Sunset on the Ferry.
Syrenia wishes she had stayed inside the boat.
Y, halo thar.
A Water Elemental joins the Sea Horror on deck.
They are joined by a Phantom.
The "Three Stooges" of horror.
Came outside of the pilot house to get this shot.
Getting a raise from Bluezero (thanks, blue).
Before Foxthesly borrowed Syrenia's Leather Trousers...
... and after he borrowed them.
One hell of a mob train in Tahrongi.
This is as close as Syrenia wants to get to the Malboro.
A Goobbue... "He's so cute!"
Tremor Ram = BIG!
Syrenia and Razorskin outside of Jeuno.
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