Paco's Home Page

aka Bigyo, Mr. Yokosh

"Every exit is an entrance to someplace new"

-Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead-
by Tom Stoppard

Where do you want to go today?

Okay, so this is the beginning stages of my second try at web developing. Yes, I played with the ideas in college, but never for a reason. NOW, I have friends to keep in contact with, ideas to promotes...and oh Class assignments that my students should have written down in their NOTEBOOKS!
So it goes...

As of right now the ONLY link that works off of this page is the MPS site. Don't bother with the rest for awhile. (Jan14,2003)


CAPOEIRA I had trained hard-core for a number of years in college, but then school and work became a full-time project. Now I teach some of my high school students and they're progressing wonderfully.

I also just started training with Mestre Loka and Capuraginga after the New Year, so I'm excited to be back in training!!!

Anyway, this link will send you to some good capoeira info, rhythms, songs, moves, and some original pictures I've taken over the years.


Come visit camp One Step at a Time, my favorite place in the entire world. The camp is dedicated to children who have had to live with serious illnesses such as cancer and leukemia. The entire staff consists of volunteers, and most are cancer survivors (like me!) or doctors and nurses who have treated us. There are tons of pictures here, and there all great if you need a smile.

The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp My second love in life. Just a another group of great kids and staff. Maybe the warmest place on earth for the heart : ).

My Favorites Page: Books, Movies, Music Fun Linksof mine that are not nearly as important as Camp or Capoeira, but if you have the time, might as well check it out. P.S. UNDER the moment!

Want to see me and some friends? Only six pictures (so far), but they're pretty cool. Come know you want to. Peer pressure...Peer pressure!

For my Marianapolis Students MPS peeps

What are you waiting for?

Marianapolis students Take a look at the Capoeira page. Or go visit camp One Step at a Time! or maybe Hole in the Wall

� 1996 I really would appreciate any comments you have (good or bad) about this page. If you have the time, email me and tell me why you came to this page ( random encounter, camp, capoeira), and what you might want to see more of. Adeus! [email protected]

Thank you Geocities GeoCities for my own free home page

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