Short Creek's Jake
Photo Gallery
Short Creek Fjords
         Jake has worked out very well in harness doing chores,pulling the stone boat,on the
wagon in parades and trail. He has done very good in saddle on the trail and has always kept
a level,calm head in any "sticky" situations we've incountered on the trail.
         He is the third generation of fjords that we've owned,worked with and used in his pedigree.
All of them maturing into trusting,safe,hard working horses that we've been proud to own. Jake
is a true buddy on the trail and has many times lead me to say "Wow Jake that was awesome"
Jake,Otto(L-R driver view) Kenzie,Darren junior driver
        Roblin Fair
Tucker,Earl,Otto and Jake (L-R driver view) Darren,Carl
     Multiple hitch Roblin Fair
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