onLoad="window.onresize=new Function('if (navigator.appVersion==\'Netscape\') history.go(0);');">
"You" was prly written around January.
I was taLkin bout this guy that I*ve liked for so long. and what*s ironic is how i got over him.. and how he ended up getting w/ the girl that he  liked for hella long. BUT now they*re not even together. but, we*re still hella good friends.

[HoMe] [QuOtEs 1] [QuOtEs 2] [QuOtEs 3] [PoEmS] [ToP]

This was written about the same day or maybe a few days later than "You". Some parts don*t exactly make sense . but oh well. haha. this about the same guy as "You" too. =) i hella liked him =X
The whole poem is supposed to look. uhm.. how should i say it... ? "Dreamy"?? haha i dunno =X
This is the most recent poem that i*ve written. i wrote it about my ex b/f,  a cpl months ago. its not exactly the best poem in the world. but poems are a good way to get out your feelings. and that*s what this poem did. well, this is what i felt at the time . too bad. hahaha
Well, first of all.. i KNO these poems are shit dude. hahaha. so don*t expect these hella tight poems.. b/c if thats what you want, you shouldn*t be here. haha. well, hope you have a lot laffs w/ my sucky writing. =)
> hell yah, jammin to the music ! hahaha just kidding =D oOh. damn, he*s snappin' off beat. hahaha
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