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Deaf Ministries Committee


The committee began in the early 1970s as a network of primarily hearing denominational staff who met annually to share information and resources and to cooperate on projects of mutual need. Since 1990 the committee's size has tripled and the composition has changed dramatically. Now, approximately two-thirds of the committee members are deaf, and most members are not denominational staff, but volunteer representatives of their denominations or related church organizations. The members are both lay persons and pastoral workers. In January, 1995, Beth Locard, the first deaf staff person ever hired by the National Council of Churches, became the coordinator of the committee. The committee has worked with the Bible Translation and Utilization committee to develop videotapes of the Gospel in American Sign Language (ASL). The committee wrote the National Council of Churches policy statement "No barriers for Deaf People in Churches." This statement is available on the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA web site at


The committee attempts to recognize the variety of communication preferences present among deaf and hard of hearing persons and to encourage more effectie ministry with these groups.


The committee produced a brochure "It's Time to Listen" as a result of a two-year process in which members of deaf and hard of hearing groups dialogued about their own needs for meaningful church life. The brochure is available from the offices of Ministry in Christian Education, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115-0050. The group is now working on an ASL videotape to accompany the brochure.

As part of each meeting the committee sponsors workshops that are open to the local deaf community.

The committee meets annually to work together to develop resources and to share information.


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Copyright � 2001 Committee on Deaf Ministries. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 02-17-2002

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