I think the happiest thing I’ve done all year

Has been to buy this green bronze frog.


He sits atop my toilet tank

Where daily he greets me


With sparkling black glass eyes

And an eager, wide-open-mouthed smile.


Now every time I go to take a piss

I share in his felicity, his bliss.






In all the world there is no ass sweeter than my own;

For you to find his match, señor, him you’d have to clone!


See him as he stands demure, his burnished feet so close;

You’ll see why it’s hard for me not of him to boast!


His eyes are sloe, his coat is thick, his mien beatific.

Oh, when we’re apart it hurts! Aiyee, it’s like I’m lovesick!


Each day I wake I wake with joy to know my burro’s here

For with him I have a livelihood, free from want and fear.


Oh, how I love him so, my dear, dear Conejo!

Together you may see us go round about the pueblo


Stopping at the likely spots where tourists may be found 

Who’ll pay to pose for a photograph, mounted or on the ground.


And what a picture he does make, with garlands gaily freighted

And upon his close-cropped mane, paper flowers plaited!

His saddle blanket’s brightly hued, his saddle finely tooled;

To me he’s like a princely steed, caparisoned and bejeweled! 


The day be done we head for home and a currycomb.

I fill his manger with fresh oats and hay that’s newly mown.


The other night I had this dream, of God it was, not men:

I saw our Lord upon an ass entering in Jerusalem.


A swelling crowd hosanna! cries, when in the ebb and flow

Lo! I catch a glimpse of Him upon my dear Conejo!


Note: Juan Sinmiedo, or Fearless John, is an epithet by which our subject is known about town.  The epithet seems to have been inspired by a popular story and television series.. I can only guess how our hero feels about this  (I was reluctant to ask him).  The burro’s name, Conejo = Rabbit or Bunny.


Puerto Vallarta, November, 2007



(For Sobiah Nawaz)


Oh, daughter, go, fetch me a towel,

Wet it, and place it on my brow.

The day has been long and I am weary.

I’ll take my rest here in this room

-- The one beside the rose garden --

The one your mother loved so much.


Look, the eastern mountains blush

As a maiden might at a suitor’s touch

Purple and pink the distant crags

But red the nearer rock faces

A red that calls to mind the blood

Shed daily now across the land.


Ah, a cool draught, a breeze I sense

Coming from these selfsame peaks.

(The air there must indeed be cold

To hold its freshness to the plain.)

Come, my daughter, and sit by me.

You are fair and gladden the night --


The night and the rose-scented air.


Note:  Ms. Nawaz is a native of Baluchistan, the province comprising S.W. Pakistan






Such authority in the slamming of a door

Such competence, it’s truly hard to ignore!

The sounds of life are jarring and they mock me

For I cannot write a single line of poetry!






I think the happiest thing I’ve done all year

Has been to buy this green bronze frog.


He sits atop my toilet tank

On a hand embroidered table linen


Where bride and groom in loving stitches

Wed amongst the flowers.


Above this tableau


A red paper flower’s hung

By its green wire stem


I’ve wrapped about the copper water pipes

Protruding from the bathroom wall.


The verdigris’ applied, I know,

It’s been produced in a chemical bath.  So?


Only a purist or a prig would care 

Just how long it took for the green to get there!


The frog’s insouciance is irresistible.

Every day, no matter how I feel,


He greets me

His broad head lifted up expectantly


His black glass eyes a-sparkle

His mouth agape in an eager, ear-splitting smile.


Now every time I go to take a piss

I can’t help but smile and share


In his infectious bliss. 


Puerto Vallarta

November 2007





It sounds like rain

The rat-a-tat-tat-ling

Outside my paneless window


Or is it the wind I hear

Rustling the dry leaves

And clacking them like castanets?


Or scissoring the palm fronds

-- Rasping them --

Like a locust its hind legs?


The advance of the light

From the corner of the rooftop

Suggests it is a star I see


And that the night is clear   But

The branches of the tree outside

Never do seem to move


And the cool draught that now pours

Through the open window

Insists it is the rain I hear


Note: Cool downdrafts are associated with raining cumulonimbus clouds.





I want to drink

Till every molecule of me

Is dissolved, rent

Reduced to more elementary forms

-- Amino acids, atoms, ions --

All afloat on a simmering sea of lipids

The nondescript color of vomit

(This I somehow strangely envision)

Every particle of me a smiley face

Looking up at me

Absolutely, divinely drunk.






(For Dee H.)


… The spics sleep on Thirteenth Street

Their jungle bongos beat …in perfervid dreams

Of rut and rot, of purple mountain tops

And breaking glass.  Toward Avenue A and up

Up the blank-eyed tenement walls I look

And I own it all, the city and the night, the light

Enhaloing the streetlamps, the still warm asphalt

The fretwork of fire escapes, I own it all


Behind me a few doors, San Sebastian

Twists in agony in his gilt cappella

His hermaphroditic plaster form pierced

By a dozen well-fletched Roman arrows, his gaze

Through the store-front chapel’s plate glass window

Imploring, piteous, ecstatic.  And next door

My own apartment the year before the plaster

-- Like my youthful pride -- would buckle and fail


Dee, I loved your lisp and how you said

The first line of this poem The sthpics sthleep...

I loved your body and how you looked in jeans

How the springs of the folding bed would complain

As loudly as that AA Wendy bitch

Across the dingy sounding board of a hall 

And Bach on the bare old Zenith by the bed

And the warm orange light of its vacuum tubes


Spare as a monk’s cell I imagined it

My apartment, no stockings, no woman’s evidence

As callow and ascetically inclined I was

I was lucky to have missed the eye of celebrity

That that pot-bellied poet-pederast of Tenth Street

Never wrote a poem for me entitled

“Gimme Yr. Ass Boy” not among his best 

If there were any best after his youthful Howl


And dear Kim, who quit Balanchine

Before she was fifteen, and Roger, the seminarian

He was as close I got to faggotry

And proud I was, not that I was stiff

And he limp, but that Mother would not approve

…The spics sleep on Thirteenth Street …

Indeed, I envy them their sleep, their dreams

For what I loved and lost on Thirteenth Street


New York, April 1965; Puerto Vallarta, April  2009





The long-ships arrive festooned

And laden to their oarlocks

With bride-gifts for Cynthia

Olaf’s fair daughter. 

Furs from darkest Rus

And silks from Samarkand

All sorts of precious gifts

They bring to Bergen’s king

To celebrate the wedding   

Of Cynthia, his daughter

To a Christian prince.


The flood of dragon ships

Fills the great harbor

Buoyed by bright Selene

Upon her heaving bosom.

Oars are sharply shipped 

And sails are sudden dropped.

And a clangor now is heard

In Bergen’s great hall

As servants carry baskets

Of bread and set down trenchers

And tuns of mead are opened

While in the royal kitchens

Spits turn with veal

And with venison and lamb

And divers fowl are roasted 

And baked In savory pies.

Mulled wine is ladled

For each arriving guest.

The galleries are full

Of musicians come from France.

Hear them as they practice

For a night of song and dance!


In the tents of Ishmael

The timbrels are silent

The flute laments a loss

And Yemen’s moon is pale.

The emirs all discuss

When Elif will return --

Elif, their August moon!

What caravan will bring her

From Egypt or from Aden

She of noble lineage

Her journey to complete.


Lines composed on the news of the wedding of a friend

Puerto Vallarta, July 2009

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