Who Can Impress What Color of Dragon??

Can only be Impressed by heterosexual females. No queen would choose a rider who was apparently reminiscent of other tendacies, so people need to know that if they want to submit a Candidate, this part is not debatable.

Can only be Impressed by heterosexual males. Under no circumstances can females Impress one, nor can a homosexual/bisexual male. Our bronze riders need to know that they don't have to option of changing their sexuality at this point. They have a responsibility to the queen as her main option in flights.

This is more shaky, to me. For the most part, it should be restricted to heterosexual males. At any rate, only males may Impress one, but they may be bisexual. I know we have several male brown riders who are homosexual; this will no longer occur, simply because of their increased participation in queen flights.

This is one of our most leniant categories. In short, I believe that all females - heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual - and all males - heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual - can Impress this color, with strong tendacies towards homosexual females and homosexual males.

Like blues, this color can be Impressed by pretty much everybody, but heterosexual and bisexual green riders will be much more frequent, and most male green riders will have homosexual tendacies. But, like I said, can be Impressed by anyone.

**Note: We play loose-canon Pern RPGs, so these are NOT the standards used in the books. DO NOT refer to us as a guide to books, or to any other RP Weyrs.
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