Half-Life And WorldCraft Editing

Check out the tutorial or the message boards to help you out
Note...This site is currently under construction, so the tutorials are still being made.

If you wish to request a certian tutorial, then send all requests to "[email protected]" with the subject beginning with "Tutorial Req." Or post it on the message board with the beginning of the subject also containing "Tutorial Req."
Please do not reply to messages that contain "Tutorial Req." at their subjects beginning!

The message board on the right over her is the Half-Life editing board......................................>>>

And this one is the WC editing one..........................................>>>

Half-Life Message Board
World Craft Message Board

Thanks for visiting # :

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Type in a tutorial keyword if you wish for one to be made. If you have a tutorial you wish to post, then send it all to me at:
[email protected]

Other Links:

DBZ Site
E-Millionaire Site
E-Mail Me

My ICQ # is:
My ICQ Idenity is Fizscy46 with a first name as Jess and no last name.

Coming Soon:

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