          The Assessment
Below are photos of the camper in its current condition.  I saved you the horror of seeing it immediately after it was opened up. The entire camper was full of acorn shells and nesting materials. Yuck! These photos were taken after everything was removed from the camper and the floor was swept out.          
Unfortunately, the street side didn't fare so well. First thing I noticed was the hole that was chewed in the canvas. But a closer look showed the top edge of the panel sagging. A look inside showed an even uglier story.
Luckily, this side is fine. Just needs cleaned.
The damage continues all the way across the top of that window. I'm still concocting a plan to repair/patch the missing canvas without having to replace the entire panel.
Here, you can see that water has leaked in and rotted away the canvas between the roofline and the window zipper. The wood may be salvageable, only time will tell though.
A close up shot of the left side shows just how bad the damage is.
And the close up of the right side is no better. First thing's first though, and that is to find the source of the leak and fix it.
We're not done yet! Continue on to see the bunkends and the floor.
Assessment Page 2
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