About me....
Here are some interesting things you may not know about me:

-I love peanutbutter-and-turkey sandwhiches.

-I do not believe that math exists. (Some call me a 'math atheist'.)

-I occasionally feed my horses popsicles.

-I earned the nickname 'Pickle Girl' for abseloutely no apparent reason.

-I love to draw, especially pictures that go with stuff I've written or plan to write.

-I love to write, especially stories that go with stuff I've drawn or plan to draw.

-I have a dog who's nickname (well, one of them) is 'Freckle-Feet.'

-I am currently wasting your time.
If you read the list (<) to your left, you've probably figured out by now that I hate math. Now, a lot of adults will say, 'it's because you're intimidated by it' or friends will say 'you don't like math because you don't think you're good at it' or something like that. Let me tell you- they're wrong- they're ALL wrong. I'm not intimidated by math (math TESTS, maybe, but not just math) and actually I'm pretty good at it. Not gifted, but I make really good grades if I don't say so myself. So, the truth of it is, I just plain hate math. That, and I believe that math does not exist in its disguised form of numbers and whatnot. No, that stuff isn't real. Math is an evil force that takes over the minds of children at vulnerable ages so that it may conquer the world! Mwahahahahaha! Ok, I'm fine. Really. Ok, maybe not. ;-)
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