An idea hatched on a late night at Denny's in Fairfax (the freaks come out at night)... Daily I hear that that this thing is cute, or that thing is cute, but what about what isn't cute? I realize now that this can and will go above and beyond things being not cute but we'll deal with that when the time comes... Let's get it on!

- girls wearing shirts with things like "hottie" written no them when in reality, they're far from hot
- size 14s in booty shorts
- cottage cheese and mashed potatoes: these are foods, not skin conditions
- toying with members of the opposite sex for fun
- believing that being a bitch is a way of flirting
- unwarranted jealousy
- i once knew this girl in school, she met this guy and hooked up with him for a while... when she was done with him she hooked up with his friend -- not cute
- "i'll call you tomorrow" and then not calling
- pregnant at any age ending in teen
- camoflauge on non-military personnel
- "man, i rolled last night, it was so cool"
- riding others' coattails into battle
- walking into an almost empty movie theater and sitting directly in front of, behind, or next to someone else
- "i gotta go to the bathroom, come with me"
- because i said so!"
- "man, i hate that guy - "why? what'd he do?" - "nothing, i just hate him"
- Destiny's Child
- Britney Spears
- people who think every conversation is a debate
- girls on other guys' shoulders at concerts - don't you realize other people can't see?
- people who get mad at their significant others for looking at someone else
- people who get mad that their significant others get looked at
- people who get into fights because of either
- driving 10 miles per hour below the speed limit
- "wrestling sucks, don't you know it's fake?"
- people who don't yield when they're supposed to
- people who get mad when I don't let them in... yes because my drivers manual says I'll get a ticket if I don't
- servers who don't earn their tips and then get upset when they don't get good ones
- people I went to high school with who never had a conversation with me but years after we graduate when we run into eachother all of the sudden they want to have a conversation with me and ask me where I go to school and where I work and how I've been doing and if I have seen person X and person Y -- it's the same conversation every time
- people who try clothes on and then leave them in the fitting room... those who work in the store you're shopping in are there to sell you clothes, not be your mother... you picked those clothes up, you put them back
- people who try 12 shirts and 14 pairs of pants on with no intention of buying anything... and then leaving them in the fitting room
- people who pick things up off of a rack or a table and change their mind about buying those items and decide that any old place will be just fine to set them down, hell... why not the floor?
- anyone walking in front of me that decides all of the sudden that they need to stop and stand there for 10 minutes... yeah, because the people walking behind you have no where to go...
- those who pump thousands of dollars into the outward appearance of their cars... in most cases (99.9%) it's to attract attention to themselves... a few things to note: 1) a loud car does not sound cool, it's annoying, especially when you rev your engine late at night or in a parking lot... 2) stereos in cars are loud enough, no need to make them any louder... you may like the music you play, but I assure you that those driving and walking outside your car probably don't... 3) right, your Integra is an OK car, but when you put a Prelude body kit with "PRELUDE" embedded into the back bumper and there's an Acura logo just above, it looks REALLY stupid... 4) don't put rims on an 89 Civic you just bought used... take that money you spent on rims and put it towards a newer car...5) i hope it really boosts your ego when your pumped up Prelude beats my little car at a red light... good job, buddy...
- "Ebonics"... both the term, and the "language" itself...
- ignorance - i shouldn't even have to elaborate on this...
- "if it's ok for black people to say 'nigga' then why isn't it ok for other people to?" -- answer: it ISN'T ok for black people to (see: ignorance)... just because some ignorant black folks think that by taking the "er" off of the word and adding "a" that the word isn't a racial slur doesn't make it so... anyone who uses that word disrespects themselves, those within earshot SHOULD be offended, the sad thing is that many are not
- various deductions on my paycheck... is there any reason I only get about 70% of the money I earn every two week period?
- Norfolk State University
- "boo" ... boo [n]: a sound of contempt or disapproval.  -- do not call someone by this word
- 18-wheelers in the left lane
- Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders - multi million dollar lawsuit against just about every NFL team for supposedly being Peeping Tom's? Excuse me if this sounds the slightest bit insensitive... Quit your profession, make money on the job, not in a court. I hope you pay a lawyer hundreds of thousands of dollars and lose your case. You can't prove a thing against any of the 29 NFL teams you've accused. You're wasting your time, the NFL's time, and overall, you're a waste of space.
- 21-year-old women  hitting on me using a jab at my age as a conversation starter. So you say I look like I'm 16? Lady, you're 21, what the hell are you doing hitting on me if you truly think I look 16?! Either you are suffering from a lack of pick-up techniques, or you have an overwhelming desire to date high schoolers.  Either way, you've got some issues to sort out...
- People who get mad because I won't do them a favor or give them something of mine.. Let's look at this logically: I buy something. It belongs to me. No where on the packaging does it say "you must give this to the next person who asks for it." If I was going to buy something with the intention of giving it to you, I'd offer. Sure, it sounsds "selfish" but look at it this way. If I have $20 you don't say "hey, let me have $10." Why is it ok for you to ask for half of my 6-pack?
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