Crisis of Belief
Anytime God asks you to do something, or you are faced with defending your belief in God, you will face a Crisis of Belief.  When you face this crisis, what you do next reveals what you really believe about God.  Will you deny Him?  Or will you defend Him?

The word
crisis, comes from a word that means decision.  The "Crisis of Belief" is the turning point where you must make a decision (to believe or not to believe).  You must decide what you believe about God.  How you respond at this turning point will determine whether you go on to be involved with God or continue to go your own way.

is not a one time experience!  It is something that is experienced every day!  How you live your life is a testimony of what you believe in God.  So, those familiar with me know that I struggle with this daily and have to involve myself every day in His Word to keep focused.  Sometimes I fall backwards but everyday I grow closer to doing what God intended for me. 

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